First, however, it was time for revenge. And if that didn't work, she had a backup plan. He said the Earth heroes were just jealous, and that the Beyonder would be the greatest hero of them all--that only Death itself had anything to fear from the Beyonder, and the heroes certainly had no reason to worry. Now Galactus emits life all around, as opposed to consuming it. [1] The Beyonder later underwent another retcon, briefly becoming a mutant inhuman, and after a last retcon is now considered to be a member of the alien race of the same name and is referred to as a "child unit" by the Beyonders. The Beyonder thus destroyed three planets (with a hundred billion inhabitants) with the wave of his hand, creating a firebreak that would temporarily stop the energy wave. The Beyonder told her his story, and they were both glad to be with someone else who shared in their unhappiness. In the Marvel Apes universe, the Ape-Beyonder kidnapped the Earth heroes and villains to Battleworld to fight, as in the Earth-616 reality. The mystery of desire was still at the forefront of his mind: as an omnipotent being, he couldn't understand what it meant to want something and not be able to get it (ironically, the one thing he was unable to do was understand desire). While they walk around they are invited to Dr. Dooms castle. When entire universes throughout the Multiverse began to collide with each other, with each universe's respective Earth being the points of impactevents known as "incursions"the Avengers send Hank Pym to find answers at the start of the "Time Runs Out" storyline. He was also invisibly observing Captain America, who was visiting the West Coast Avengers and then battling Armadillo and Dr. Malus. The living embodiment of The Beyond-Realm, a reality outside of the Marvel multiverse, he utilizes his powers over reality, space, and time to observe the neverending battle between good and evil, serving as both an ally and enemy to Earth's greatest heroes. The Fallen One finds the lifeless form of the Maker in the rubble, confirming the Beyonder's freedom. [14] They have also displayed other limitations, as an explosion strong enough to destroy a few thousand universes was sufficient to kill them.[11]. After listening to Cloak and Dagger's arguments, the Beyonder agreed, and brought the drug dealers all back to life, then left. The Beyonders were first mentioned in the team-up comic Marvel Two-in-One #63 (May 1980), by Mark Gruenwald and Jerry Bingham. But he could tell that soon he would have to make a decision. Much earlier, the Beyonder had revived Kurse as an experiment, but then had largely forgotten about him. Reece cryptically replied, "it's a happier ending than you know." [11] In his personal universe, the Beyonder was everything. Havok finally awoke. However, Kubik decided to prove him wrong, and battled the Beyonder to a standstill, to the Beyonder's great amazement. At the end of the battle, Rachel Summers psychically sensed the invisible presence of the Beyonder, who was watching it all. Set before Secret Wars II #9, The story forces The Beyonder to reconsider his thoughts on life, death, and human existence. Beyonder - Wikipedia As the Lizard is knocked out once again,the heros place his body on a table.Mr. However, The Beyonder went through several retcons, which significantly reduced his power. Growing impatient and annoyed, Doctor Doom and Galactus team up to defeat The Beyonder but are quickly forced to play his game. However, since he was limiting himself, he didn't cure her. In his original origin, and in the Cosmic Cube origin, he would in fact he from another universe, and thus "unnatural" in ours. He joined them on their journey and went into the Land of Couldn't-Be-Shouldn't-Be and then the House of Ideas. To test it, he had the machine recreate the New Mutants (whom he had killed earlier). The question for him now was, should he tell the Beyonder? Cage explained the problem to Beyonder, who made himself black in order to better fit in. Moonstar was the only one left. The purpose of their experiment was to eventually kill all of the Molecule Men at the same time, bringing an end to the multiverse. Ben points out the machine Spider-Man used to bring the heros to this world, and Doom uses this device to teleport. These Cubes eventually develop and gain an intelligence and desires of their own. He stood up and closed Magma and Cannonball in a crevasse. Strange and Havok teleport away, and the Beyonder finds Dracula. Mephisto was particularly fearful and enraged. In fact, the Beyonder was talking with Death, talking about this very thing, and admitted his fear of what would happen. The Beyonder could endow himself with a corporeal form of practically limitless strength and endurance. There is another dimension, where a race of incredibly powerful beings known as the Beyonders (plural) live and watch our universe. It was the sight of the imposing Black Bolt that made the Beyonder realize the Illuminati were not his creations. A magical spear Gungnir, used by the kings of Asgard is powered by Odin force. Also, Mr. The dome (as powerful as the multiverse) Molecule Man created, which the Beyonder shattered, wasn't as powerful as the original. The Beyonder, however, was not paying attention to any of this. Ben explains that they were all brought here by some being called the Beyonder. And yet the Beyonder was once again unhurt. The other heroes, who didn't see exactly what happened, thought the Beyonder had done something to them, and Wolverine attacked, slashing his face and torso. Doom is awaken and is shown the creatures he created while he was sleeping. He was able to create a replica of Manhattan, including its normal and super-powered citizens, a feat that would certainly fall within the power of a sentient Cosmic Cube.Post Retcon Beyonder has reality warping powers, but not as powerful as other versions.Either he is holding back, or just his limitation. Felicia's father disappeared for several years.Later, the Kingpin, Wilson Fisk, captured Felicia and agreed to keep her free of harm if her father gave Kingpin the formula,the agreement was made and Kingpin received the formula. He claims that through the Beyonder's power he had had attained the only thing he wanted in life, total control. This would have wrecked Mephisto's since he would have to recalibrate the machine. Unlike his creators who were content to observe, The Beyonder seeks to fulfill his desires and discover his purpose. Specifically, Doom wants his memories back. The Beyonder, who seemed somewhat amnesiatic or deluded, referred to himself as being more powerful than anyone else in existence, thus implying that in this persona, he did not remember, or did not fully process, the events of the Cosmic Cube retcon. He was once again dressed in his baroque silver armor. He found desire a nuisance, and wondered whether he should continue to study it or just return to the Beyond-Realm, where he would feel complete unto himself. He is in essence foreshadowing what is going to happen before it happens. Then he went through himself. He couldn't believe the people of Earth were still "hounding" him. A man from a nearby island happened to come by and was inspired by the Beyonder's "think system," and told others. [39], Under unrevealed circumstances, Kosmos left Kubik, went mad, turned herself into a mortal called the "Maker," and obliviously slaughtered 64,000 colonists of a Shi'ar agrarian settlement. The Shaper developed from a Cube made by Skrull scientists. [27], The Beyonder continued to experiment with experiencing love affairs with human beings. [13][12][1], Having observed Earth,[4] the Beyonder started various "Secret Wars": He created Battleworld and forced many heroes and villains to fight. Kosmos takes on a female form and is tutored by Kubik, touring the universe with him. It was a desperate gamble, to say the least. Editor's Picks; Entertainment. Then he decided to show off, and started a fight with them. Immediately after the Beyonders departure, all his creations began to crumble and fall apart. He also pulled Talisman out of the bag for Shaman as payment. The Beyonder First Appeared In Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #1 By Writer Jim Shooter, Penciler Michael Zeck, Inker John Beatty, Colorist Christie Scheele, And Letterer Joe Rosen Dr. Doom arrives and claims that he only wants Ben and his subjects to be happy; he calls his new kingdom New Latveria. The living embodiment of The Beyond Realm, a reality outside of the Marvel multiverse, he utilizes his powers over reality, space, and time to observe the never-ending battle between good and evil, serving as both an ally and enemy to Earth's greatest heroes. In no situation was anyone ever actually more powerful than him. At first he was ecstatic, but he eventually realized that his sight was so precious that he might lose his sense of integrity in order to keep it, so he asked the Beyonder to take it back and take them off the case, which the Beyonder then did. This time they were overwhelmed, and were only able to defeat the Dragon by sacrificing the life-force of Valkyrie, Andromeda, Manslaughter, and Interloper. She flew towards the Beyonder on her flying horse and touched him on the chest, counting coup in the tradition of the Cheyenne warriors from whom she was descended, before he killed her as well. The One-Above-All: Who Is Marvel's Supreme Being?,The One-Above-All and The Beyonder are godlike beings in the Marvel Universe, but one is definitely a more supreme being. Protg retaliates using his limitless ability to copy the abilities of other beings to become a match for the Beyonder. She found his essence and took it over. If this were so, then no mutant would be "natural." He met a Unlimited Class Wrestling promotor at a bar as he downed Heinekens. The Heroes and Villains Arrive on Battleworld as the Secret Wars Begin! She left a message for the X-Men and flew towards the west coast. They were then transported to another station millions of miles away in space. Then several of Earth's heroes found him and attacked. The only difference between these two is the perspective of thinking. This, obviously, did not work, and the diners got in a shouting match with him, ultimately punching him in the face, at which point Cage stepped in and beat them up. Powers and Abilities: Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (On a Sub-Quantic level, controlling the building blocks of all creation), Information Manipulation, Flight/Levitation, Forcefields, Portal Creation, and numerous others. Later they created Cosmic Cubes. Although not native to this dimension, the Beyonder was one of the absolute strongest and most powerful beings ever to exist in the Marvel Universe. Madame Web comments on how Spider-Man has already led the heros into battle, and the Beyonder agrees that this is a good start, but he decides to see how everything ends. He explored New York City in a naive fashion, trying to replicate basic human experiences like eating and wearing clothing, but inevitably made innocent mistakes, like eating a soda bottle along with its contents. Under Vinnie's influence the Beyonder sought wealth, pleasure, and power over others. Saddened, and still hesitant, the Beyonder finally complied with the Illuminatis wishes and left Ceres, his corporeal form turning to dust. Similarly, a large number of costumed criminals, including the Absorbing Man, Doctor Doom, Doctor Octopus, the Enchantress, Kang, the Lizard, the Molecule Man, Ultron, the Wrecking Crew, as well as the planet-devourer Galactus, found themselves in another construct in the same area. In time, it created planets and life. What Beyonder powers could it be? Uatu explained that the Watchers had all come together and voted to break their oath against inaction for the first time, because the Beyonder posed such a threat to the multiverse. He suddenly appeared in front of Parker, scaring him at first. Dani Moonstar saw death visions above all her comrades, and knew what was about to happen. [26], In a retcon of past events, Charles Xavier reveals to his fellow Illuminati members that in the original Secret War, he had attempted to mind-scan the Beyonder, revealing him as one of the Inhumans previously ruled over by fellow Illuminati member Black Bolt. Allistar Smythe stays behind, Smythe agrees to help Spider-Man. Puma was coming in, prepared to kill the Beyonder. They beat up the Beyonder, but he didn't mind because he liked learning from experiences like this. Illyana wanted to attack him, but Rachel stopped her and instead tried to psychically bond with him in an attempt to communicate. He beat them all easily in a brief fight. His ultimate goal is to discover the true meaning of existence, and his journey takes him across the Marvel universe. Dr Strange pointed out that there were no signs of true life force aura in proximity, indicating that those heroes were creations of the Beyonder himself, and that no matter how accurate they appeared to be, his designs lacked true free will and human spirit. Magneto agreed with her final choice, as he had earlier counselled mercy against the student who had tried to kill Xavier. He teleported to their location and ran into Firelord but Firelord passed out from his injuries during his fight with Nebula and her army. After watching for a while, his interest was picqued, due to Thor's decision to use his belt of strength, thereby negating Kurse's advantage. For her crime, the Maker was sent to the Kyln, a galactic prison for the most dangerous criminals. The Beyonder is an immensely powerful extradimensional entity of disputed origin. Understanding that they were angry with him, and believing that they liked to settle conflict through action, he led them on a chase, during which time he allowed them to attack him. Why can't you see that I'm better than you? The Beyonder went back to Owen's apartment to talk over all of these recent problems. As all of reality was being destroyed, the trickster Loki uses magic to both exit reality and safely contain the essence of his fellow Asgardians. [15] He eventually threatened to end existence but accidentally allowed himself to get killed, or so it seemed. He found a nearby seedy hotel and got a room, sleeping on the floor. send you an email once approved. Fantastic was eventually able to create a teleportation device to send all the heroes back home, thus ending the first Secret War. This explains his different personality and moral character, why his power level is so different, and why he is so obsessed with Havok. He was peacefully sitting on Alcatraz, contemplating existence, when she blasted him with the full power of the Phoenix, creating an enormous mushroom cloud in the shape of a firebird. He destroyed his tower in Sparta and decided to cast about for a new role in life. He was at this time still wearing the face of the Molecule Man. Post Retcon Beyonder #1 (Cosmic Cube)- Beyonder was a cosmic cube, created by beings called Beyonders, without a container. He next took on Reece's form, and appeared in a random window in L.A. He was so angry that he unleashed a multiversally-destructive bolt of energy--which Reece then quietly fixed. But he also made plans with the other cosmic entities of the universe; they would share their power, so Beyondersbane would also have all the power in the universe in addition to the Beyonder's spent power. He took a trip to soak up the good things about life on Earth. This issue pulls back the curtain to reveal the celestial beings responsible for The Beyonder's birth: The Beyonders. As a result, death, portrayed by Mephisto, cannot destroy him. Strange warned that the Beyonder was going to destroy all the multiverses. Superman is considered as the most powerful among them by the fans. The Beyonder has been retconned many times. Doom proceeds to drop a mountain on them. Victory tried to warn the Beyonder of his target of amusement but the Beyonder would not listen, and brought them back to his universe (the Beyond-realm attached to that reality). He learned about Havok and became obsessed with him, although he wasn't sure why: he just had a subconscious feeling that he need to find him. [12], The narration stated that he possessed power millions of times greater than the entire multiverse combined,[35] and that a regular universe was a drop of water in the ocean compared to the Beyond Realm. For this reason the Beyonder decided that the driving force of all sentient beings must be desirean emotional state previously unknown to himwhich manifested itself as a longing to grow; to be; to evolve into something that one is currently not in order to achieve a sense of completeness. This article is about Beyonders. He has the power to manipulate and bend the fabric of space . He once destroyed a galaxy on a whim to meet his needs during the first Secret Wars, and later, by using his entire energies, created a universe out of his own being. She brought Rosenberg there for a moment to talk, but then sent her back to Owen.
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