Tweaked the effects of some White Ruthenian national spirits, to increase army experience gain and to account for socialist Russia. NatPop Ottomans can now join the Moscow Accord. The IMRO will now stay around for longer if Bulgaria is NatPop and controlled by a player. Added several leader descriptions to the Union of Britain. Austria no longer releases Bulgaria as SocCon. Added crossings for Istria-Dalmatia and Tanganyika-Zanzibar. Fixed Anqing being able to perform its decisions to attack southern China, while the League War is still going on. Fixed Bulgaria dragging Austria into war with the Ottomans. Germany's female suffrage event now fires upon the end of the WK instead. ) to Lagu Nasasin Bersatu (Nasasin Unity Song).. The ACW no longer spawns four thousand planes out of thin air. Fixed socialist Argentina joining the Entente and Reichspakt. Coalitions are now retained when restoring the previous government type after puppeting. Greece can no longer fall into civil war if puppeted. If Germany in Exile hands over French claims, it loses its ambition areas in those states. Fixed Benghazi not being set as a minor port. Sichuan now keeps a basic mountaineer template regardless of the outcome of the civil war. Fixed a broken Federalist China railway-building national focus. Half of the Kivu Cliques units no longer spawn in New York City then immediately push off for sea, eternally searching for a way to return to a friendly port when there is none to be found. Fixed Egypt / Syria / Iraq keeping the League of Arab States modifier as a puppet. Armenia can no longer get Lazistan in the Annexation decisions. Ukraine now starts as an autonomous Oststaat. Added new flags for Republican Canada, NatPop puppet England, PatAut Mongolia, and Quebec. Added The Army Goes Rolling Along for the United States, the Pacific States and New England. PatAut Peru can now get rid of the APRA debuff. 2. Fixed Romania getting two election events after completing the Mihais Government national focus. Fixed the transfer of Croatian and Slovenian characters to Yugoslavia. Paraguay focus times are now 56 days instead of 70 days. Fixed the West Indies Federation having two Vickers companies. Anqing now can get Nanjing generals, if they appoint them as governors. Fixed Swedens "Industrial Sabotage" national spirit not being removed after Norway is defeated. - The KR4 Team: Adrianator2, Alpinia, Arvidus, Augenis, Blackfalcon501, DSFDarker, Carmain, Chazem, Conor, Dr. Njitram, Ddago, Drozdovite, Eragaxshim, Flamefang, Fort, Gideones, JazzyHugh, Jeankedezeehond, Jonjon428, Jonny BL, Krco, Liegnitz, Maltesefalcon, Matoro, Nijato, NukeGaming, OperationsManagementDecisions, PPsyrius, Pietrus, Rei VL, Rylock, SPQR, Starguard, Telcontar101, The Alpha Dog, The Irredentista, Vidyaorszg, WordZero, Yard1, Zankoas and Zimbabwe Salt Co. What a year its been, hey? Denmark will now always simply join the Reichspakt during the Weltkrieg unless they are ruled by the social democrats to prevent issues with events that didnt anticipate this behavior. Fixed Brazil removing their Black Monday national spirit not bypassing some related national focuses. I may be wrong for some of them, but here's what I think they are based on memory: authoritarian_democrat, social_conservative, market_liberal, social_liberal, social_democrat, radical_socialist, syndicalist, totalist, national_populist, paternal_autocrat. Removed the PatAuts potentially couping Totalist Chile. Fixed Sweden annexing land that it isnt supposed to. Fixed Hasa not being coreable for the Ottomans if the Secure the Persian Gulf National Focus wasn't chosen. Fixed the Alexandretta decisions not showing up for Ottoman Salvation Party Turkey. Portugals Colonial Development focuses have been turned into decisions. Improved the Legation Cities AI in handling the currency mechanic. Fixed a couple of issues with Bulgaria's unit name lists. This includes the new peace conference rework, updating the mechanics for air wings, the standing airforce that countries start with, and implementing the new scripting features for modders that Paradox have added to the game. But as they say, hindsight is 2020 so 0.16 doesnt bring any new focus trees, instead looking at existing content and bringing an enormous number of tweaks, fixes, quality of life changes, optimisations and more. Fixed South Africa getting more than four ministers. Reworked the borders of the Kars Oblast and corrected the position of Lake Sevan. Yunnan now attacks both sides of Lianguang if they're in a civil war. Fixed the Denmark Black Monday idea swaps. Edited the Red Eagle loading screen to match the changed Franco-German and Eastern European borders. Fixed a missing tooltip for the German Government in Exile. Added a couple of sanity checks to the Coto Brus event chain. Nerfed the Left Kuomintangs political power gain. Fixed the Nanzig rename remaining in endonym mode. Fixed the Defang Opposition Parties national focus for Brazil triggering the wrong event. Fixed broken descriptions on Dutch East Indies national spirits. Tweaked the starting divisions for the United States of America. Paraguay's slash the budget path has been re-balanced compared to the self-sufficiency one. Fixed Siams Phibunsongkhram not being removed from the minister list if assassinated. Fixed Long Yun not appointing his Second in Command when he takes over Yunnan. Fixed Romanias Corneliu Codreanu crashing the game when removed as Prime Minister. Go a few lines below to max_traits=0.000 and add the following code block behind it. Fixed some bugs regarding the League of American States. Fixed a Qing national focus availability. Gave Montenegro a base attack and defense idea, reminiscent of Sisu. Fixed Katanga not getting claims on all Congolese states. Mongolia and Tibet can no longer join the Unification Conference, Some fixes and improvements to the Chinese army reform system. Fixed Dai Chunfengs missing advisor description for the Left Kuomintang. Fixed Sardinia and Sicily constantly giving territory to each other. Mittelafrika now releases the Gold Coast when releasing the British colonies. Zhang Zuolin is no longer the highest skilled Field Marshal in the world, again due to an oversight. Apartheid now permanently sets South Africa to the highest segregation level, and is no longer beneficial. Fixed a negative opinion modifier for the Papal States after they disassociate from Two Sicilies, accidentally target New England. Fixed the Ottoman revolts firing even when the areas are occupied by someone else. Fixed Vietnam not correctly giving resources to German East Asia upon being invested on. Fixed non-socialist Tripolitania keeping the Baath. Japans non-Asian puppets can now join the Japanese economic bloc. Japan now loses ambition areas on China upon peacing with them. Fixed Korean army national spirits giving ten times their intended effect. Tshuapa no longer gets a core upon the MAF release of the native kingdoms. The Korean Revolt and Puppet Monarchy have been removed. Buffed the Kingdom of Two Sicilies with decreased focus times and improved national spirits. Fixed two LEC foci overriding the current motion being voted on and removed a bunch of duplicated loops. Added a leader description for Serbias Milan Grol. Batam is no longer connected to Singapore making Sumatra, Java, and the Lesser Sunda Islands actual islands and not part of mainland Asia. Fixed Socialist Bulgaria causing a war between the Belgrade Pact and the Third Internationale. Added Straburg as a German endonym for Strasbourg. Fixed several participating characters in the American Civil War not being in their respective splinters for the Trial of post-war events. Fengtian no longer starts the game with a Japanese guarantee of independence. Escort Cruisers and Cruisers are now referred to as Light Cruisers and Heavy Cruisers respectively, as in vanilla. The French Republic receives a debuff for rushing a war with Germany before they recover from the 2nd Weltkrieg. Fixed Costa Rica joining the Entente when their foreign policy game rule is set to remain neutral. Fixed the forced resistance, and resistance removal effects for several countries. Fixed Sdwestafrika being unable to attack the owner of Barotseland. Fixed the American Civil War uprising events only firing for the revolter, instead of all American Civil War participants. Set_ruling_party Command Help & Examples | HOI4 Cheats Fixed an OTT OOB spawning behind enemy lines. Nerfed Chiles starting units a little bit. Fixed Romania's Renew Pride national focus not accounting for Romania being a puppet. Improved the event text for when the Russo-Ottoman convention fails due to warfare between the two nations. Some improvements on the Mexico / Costa Rica Peace Deal. Slightly tweaked some Japanese economy and infrastructure-related national spirits. Slightly tweaked republican Portugals map colour. Lithuanias Bundists are now led by Shlomo Kleit, from Vilnius, as opposed to Victor Alter, who was from Warsaw. Fixed Indochinese spawned units being the incorrect template. Added two new generals (Yu Zhishan and Xing Shilian) to the Fengtian Government. Fixed united South African Federation keeping the Natal Rebellion national spirit. New terrain art for Belgorod, Busan, Fort-de-France, Polotsk, Tyumen, Vladimir, and Vologda. Improved the performance of the Exile decisions. Fixed Galicia & Lodomeria not being annexed by Russia, despite Austria acceding to Russian demands. Fixed the Netherlands potentially claiming the whole world. Fixed the location of several victory points in the Union of Britain, Denmark and Russia. Numerous Russian events have either had their descriptions reworked or been replaced by new events entirely, giving more character to Russias political paths. Fixed the Russian Denikin and Realpolitik game rules clashing. Fixed Umar Mukhtar's death event not firing correctly for Cyrenaica, and him not being replaced as Head of Government upon death. Canadas french-related ideas will now disappear if Quebec is not owned, Russia no longer receives a claim on Cernauti when deciding to keep Bessarabia, Fixed Russian decision to attack Transamur for the instance where Transamur immediately folds and should be annexed, Burmese event chain now checks for AuthDem government to exist, Burma can no longer join in on Indochinas war with Siam if it is a subject (of another country) or otherwise invalid for the war, Fixed the continuous focus box overlapping with parts of the PLC focus tree, Fixed the Russian Socialist Republic having a too low division limit, Fixed Don-Kuban having an endless Black Monday, Fixed all missing Sudwestafrika portraits, Fixed Austria not being able to release Hungary in the Pluralism path, Capitulated countries will no longer be annexed in peace conferences if random non-aligned third parties capitulate, Siam no longer loses its admirals if the civil war fires, Transamur will now break away from Japan when forming Russia, Serbia no longer invites itself to the Belgrade Congress, Honduras will now break free from Nicaragua if the latters government is overthrown, Mongolia and Tibet can now be released properly after releasing China, Greater Germany can now no longer core Istria or Trentino through the annexation decisions, If the UK chooses direct rule over Ireland, the annexation decision will now not keep re-appearing, Removed the ability for the Patagonian Communists to get Juan Domingo Peron as a general. Fixed Austria not joining the Reichspakt if already at war with Russia or the Commune of France. Assyria no longer releases itself into oblivion. Fixed German East Asia returning Papua to an Australia puppeted by Germany. Added a tooltip for New England to tell players where the Commando Military High Command is. Added a different picture for the Japan/Entente peace treaty event. Standardised leaders and parties across the US tags. Buffed the number of build slots that are granted to Brazil and Vera Cruz in their national spirits. Fixed the Ikhwan rising against a non-Ottoman-puppet Arabia. Buffed the Ottoman pluralist constitution. Reduced Wallonia's focus times to 56 days. James Yen and Chang Chun, with Wang Yitang and Jin Yunpeng, Fengtians decisions to request aid from Japan can now be taken multiple times, as originally intended, Fengtian can no longer denounce Qing Monarchism after Puyi has been overthrown, Fixed a defeated Japan coming back to defend FNG, Fixed Japan getting the event to intervene in Fengtian's side more than once, Japan's Sakura focus will now bypass if FNG is a puppet, Fixed the ideas for the Shandong loans not being reduced upon payment, Fixed Weihaiwei not being transferred to QIE by Germany in the respective event, Fixed the Prince's Visit category being visible if it was cancelled. Fixed a missing game rule check locking AutDem South Africa out of its tree. Fixed Iraq and Syria being unable to invite other countries into the League of Arab States. Various performance tweaks and quality of life changes for Centroamerica. Renamed the Manchurian and Xinjiang strategic regions. Fixed democratic Nicaragua inviting Orellana to the Liberal Pact. Illyria now starts with a core on Slovenia. Fixed the League of Arab States being unable to integrate Arabia. Altered Georgias starting claims, and how they gain additional claims. The East Asian peace treaty now removes any German guarantees and/or NAPs. Fixed Great Britain potentially attempting to reclaim Kivu, instead of Kenya. Rebalanced the starting Union of Britains shipbuilding queue, carriers and battleships replaced with cruisers and destroyers. If Austria loses this war, it then seeks formal integration into the German Empire. Romania will now always leave the Belgrade Pact if Serbia is socialist, unless a player Serbia chooses otherwise. Added He Zhongnan as a general for the Left Kuomintang. Fixed the starting Illyrian flag (again). Fixed Anqing having the Beijing Cooperation national spirit, despite being aligned with Fengtian. Fixed NatPop Papal State from being unable to do political national focuses. Added VPs for Ordos and the Hexi Corridor. The icon for the Ideological Loyalty spirit of the army no longer shows a picture of Karl Marx. Fixed the revolter in the Lianguang Civil War getting a wargoal on itself. Added target existence checks to a number of CHI decisions. Fixed Adelbert remaining in Wallonia after being deposed by Degrelle. Fixed Joseph Lagrosillire being created in the wrong slot in the syndicalist West Indies Federation. Adaptation of Eastern Front Planes pack for Kaiserreich. Added a unique trait to Right Kuomintang officers. Removed research bonuses for pre-La Rsistance technologies in La Rsistance national spirits. Commune of France's Savoy focus now bypasses if Switzerland is socialist. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, A dose of Imperialism a day keeps the Syndies away. Applied balance changes to the War in the Southern Cone. Sweden should attack its neighbors less frequently. Stay safe out there! Added some RadSoc and NatPop popularity changes in some Anqing events regarding the Left Kuomintang and the Yiguandao. Added more AI weights to Liangguangs trees. Fixed Venice losing its navy upon winning against the Italian National Republic. Fixed Flanders not annexing itself to the Netherlands, in the Nation within a Nation path. Tweaked the effects of some late-game Paraguayan national focuses. Fixed the Netherlands trying to annex all of Belgium. If you are looking forward to new content, dont worry, we are working hard there as well; itll just be a little longer. The Pacific States armed forces are no longer trialled, should they reunify with the United States peacefully. Norway's Great Patriotic War national spirit now adds a division limit bonus. If you come across such, please report it to us on our GitHub issue tracker and well fix it as quickly as we can. Tweaked the Patagonian military trees, with the national focus duration reduced from 42-56 days to 35 days, and the effects slightly nerfed. Fixed the French Republic being unable to core France if they lost control of the state mid-decision. The Commune of France and Poland will now get an event about Rokossowski leaving the former to go to the latter, if they turn socialist. Fixed puppet Afghanistan peacing out with the Dominion of India. Fixed Shandong getting a decision too early. Added new names to Hungarian divisions and technologies. Fixed diplomatic-path Greece joining a PatAut Russia-led Moscow Accord. Fixed the news event for the Fall of Russia having two event options. MacArthur can now fail the occupation of Philadelphia. The South African Federation and Southern Rhodesia can now join the Entente after winning the Boer War if the Entente abandoned them. Fixed Venice being able to core all of Italy. Korea and Taiwan now start as Japanese cores - but with significant penalties, as represented by their new state modifiers. Japans involvement with the Legation Cities is no longer blatantly illegal. Civil War they now get guarantees from Germany instead. Fixed several countries joining factions without the permission of the faction leader. Rhodesia can now do the Cross the Zambezi national focus, if the German Government in Exile exists. Fixed an Internationale / Entente war not causing World Tension. The previous workaround which made countries incorrectly get drawn into a peace conference whenever a country whose faction leader was not in the war now actually works for puppets as well (so, for instance, a puppet Vietnam falling to Indochina wont cause all of German East Asia to suddenly be annexed). Fixed Romania having to re-core certain states after being released. Added new production menu icons for Austria, Japan and Russia. Political ministers can no longer be added manually so performance cost-heavy checks could be removed. Multiple fixes and improvements to the Intermarium system. Transamur now gets a wargoal on the Russian Socialists if they attack Russia during the Second Russian Civil War. The ideologies that make up the mod. The Fate of the Imperial Family now fires for whoever puppeted Japan. Kaiserreich USA / Characters - TV Tropes Simplified the requirements for several Manchu Qing national foci. Fixed Romania not joining the Moscow Accord because of Bessarabia, when they dont even own Bessarabia. Fixed Anqing being unable to integrate Fujian. Fixed all cases of countries being added to the Legation Council incorrectly. Brazils anti-syndicalist provincial revolt Bahia is now AuthDem instead of PatAut. Fixed Mogadishus port being in the incorrect province. All such paths have been reviewed and moved to full RadSoc or full SocDem. Fixed monarchist Serbia being unable to annex a puppet Bulgaria. Fixed Nicaraguas missing general descriptions. Paraguay now gets a +5 to its division limit in both Black Monday paths. Siam now temporarily loses control of its ships during the Siamese Civil War. Annexation missions (the decisions you see which pop up after you gain territory, which allow for the release of puppets) have been reworked so they are now triggered. Fixed Norway's Rikshirden leaders not being created correctly. Added the correct prerequisites to all Dahomey / National France-related foci. NatPop Germany (via NatPop United Baltic Duchy) can now receive all of the German Empire generals. Fixed Shandong declaring war mid-Manchu Coup. Added some traits to Finlands Heads of State. Fixed Paraguay attacking Argentina twice. The Russian Socialist Republic is no longer punished twice during Reconstruction. Fixed expansionist Russia not attacking Georgia. The civilian construction speed buffs in the Yang Yuting path have been turned into generic construction speed buffs. German East Asia no longer starts with locked templates. Fixed Ismet Inonu holding two positions at once. Added a tooltip for Polands gaining of Lucjan Zeligowski, upon the collapse of Lithuania. Canada can now choose to support New England in the American Civil War. Fixed the Serbian plane purchasing events, where you didn't get the promised planes if the Commune of France or Russia hadn't research the tech for them yet. Instead of giving occupation penalties when they time out, annexation missions will now fire the respective country/region/state's event (the same event given when the decision is selected). Fixed Germanys Bring Back Order focus sometimes not giving the proper effect. The AI will simply not build past this limit. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth no longer tries to build a naval base in Vinnitsa. Romanian post-unification focuses now say they only unlock after acquiring Transylvania, to make it clearer. Fixed Egypt retaining Adana and Diyarbakir when annexing Syria. Fixed Canada never attacking a puppet Great Britain. Fixed a generic General portrait not appearing for Central Asia. Fixed the Netherlands keeping its claims on Suriname when becoming socialist. Added a variation of the start of the Weltkrieg news event, if the war is started by Socialist Russia. All Anglophone Entente countries will now send volunteers to Assyria. Greatly expanded the capabilities of Baldomeristas South American Socialist States faction. Fixed Mexicos missing leader descriptions for all of its generals. New England and the Pacific States keep their colors if they form the USA again. Buffed the effects of several Commune of France military national foci. Fixed the Weltkrieg news events showing the wrong text for the war-starting circumstances. Can no longer go down to Disarmed Nation voluntarily, NatPop SIC now more likely to join Entente, Added a couple of tooltips to three Russian events, Ecuador now starts with a mountaineer template, Smedley Butler now dies after the Second American Civil War, GEA and RUS will now send lend-lease to the United Front if possible, Aland is now demilitarized again at the end of wars. SocDem or SocLib Poland is now less likely to be cooped by SocCons. Added a puppet PatAut leader to Wallonia. Fixed a double removal of the national revolutionary idea in Insulindia. Transamur can no longer take its coring decisions multiple times. Slightly increased the chance of Patagonia agreeing to unite, if Argentina is SocLib or MarLib. Added correct pronoun where appropriate in the Fall of X news events. Fixed Fengtian starting the Harbin Riot event chain, after the regionalist movement is already defeated. Lithuania is no longer able to buy tanks from its enemies. Fixed totalist Commune of France losing its ministers. All ACW division templates are now unlocked, allowing for their editing and disbanding, but the units will still be removed upon the end of the war, The division limit calculations now take into account owned instead of controlled factories, thus fixing a vicious cycle caused by the loss of an industry-heavy state and the resulting applied penalties, Fake intel divisions no longer count towards the division limit, Britain: Anthony Ludovici Abraham England, Archibald Ramsay, Bernard Paget, Bernard Warbuton, Donald Macintyre, Edmund Anstice, Francis, Frank Pegram, Fred Copeman, Frederic Walker, Geoffery Barnard, Gerard Roope, Harold Harmsworth, Jack Highton, Jack Jones, Katherine Furse, Norman Holbrook, Trade Union Congress, Richard Cayley, Ronald Scobie, Finland: Aarne Sivho, Aksel Airo, Erik Heinrichs, Ernst Linder, Hjalmar Siilasvuo, Karl Lennart Oesch, Kurt Martti Wallenius, Niilo Wallari, Paavo Talvela, Ruben Lagus, Vino Valve, Vilho Peter Nenonen and Wiljo Tuompo, Montenegro: Blao Jovanovi, Sekula Drljevi, Krsto Popovi, Russia: Aleksandr Gorbatov, Anton Denikin, Ariadna Tyrkova, Nudged various victory points in South America, Added Dutch, French and German renames for Belgium and the Rhineland, The Commune of France now has two more low-level ports on its southern coast to facilitate an invasion from the south, Suwalki is now part of the Bialystok state, New VPs for the USA - Memphis, Savannah, Gary, Removed Chen Mingshu's Left Kuomintang in Exile content. Fixed an unwanted event firing for non-German Wallonia. A non-Entente Australasia which is couped by the NatPops no longer bypasses its Reaffirm Alliance focus in the one day before the Entente re-adds them. MacArthur now gives a last speech, if he gives up power. Game rules Masters of Our Own Destiny" and The Necessary Evil should now work as intended, and actually cause Fengtian to go the path it says it will. Uruguay now gets its 4th research slot later. Fixed former Canadian and Indian Generals Claude Auchinleck and William Slim getting their flights mixed up - Auchinleck is now correctly in the Dominion of India, and Slim in the Union of Britain. Fixed decentralist Ottomans getting a centralist decision. Adjusted Liberias content to account for the French Republic controlling the Ivory Coast. The IEDC leader only has to worry about investment decisions, and membership happiness is no longer tracked. Replaced mistakenly left in Fengtian ministers, Y.C. VNC's naval transfer to ITA is now immediate to avoid the capitulation deleting the fleet. Shandong Clique - added three new internal political decisions, Chad: Mahamat Abdelkader, Yorgui Koli, Ahmed Koulamallah, Pierre Olivier Lapie, Gontchome Sahoulba, Chile: Olegario Reyes Del Ro, Luis Villarroel de la Rosa, Left Kuomintang: Wang Jingwei, Song Qingling, Deng Yanda, Pacific States of America: Philip Fox La Follette, South Africa: David Ivon Jones, Johannes van Rensburg, Upper Volta: Joseph Conombo, Robert Delavignette, Mogho Naaba, Joseph Ouedraogo, Aboubakar Sangoule, Sambo Joseph Sankara. Norways Quisling now joins the Reichspakt or Moscow Accord based on whether a neighbouring Scandinavian country went socialist or aligned with Germany. Electing RadSoc leader Jerzy Sochachki for Poland no longer adds Totalists to the coalition. Altered the effects of Mittelafrikas air national foci. Standardised the Ukraine namelists for ships. Fixed Austria and Germany sending volunteers to socialist Bulgaria. This doesnt totally rid of that daily pause, but it does lessen it significantly, though your mileage will vary as with all performance changes, Austria now joins the Reichspakt when they intervene in the 2WK, and leave it afterward, Japan can now only call its allies into its wars if its losing or at war with a major, Division Limits: limits can be disabled for players only or entirely, Peacetime Demobilization: the mission that requires countries to reduce their Economy and Mobilization laws during peace can be disabled, either for the player only or for all countries.
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