The Transcultural Nursing Theory, or CCT, aims at obtaining a comprehensive knowledge of the care issue that concerns the cultural expectations of the patients. Leininger (1995) also discusses the use of her ethnonursing method enabled her (1995) to obtain the peoples ideas, values, beliefs, and practices of care and contrast them later with nurses knowledge (p. 99), and thereby enrich the cultural knowledge of nursing and nurses. The way in which people perceive different cultures may be considered true to them and not true to someone else. 2. Ayiera, F. (2016). A metaparadigm is the most general statement of discipline and functions as a framework in which the more restricted structures of conceptual models develop. Leiningers theory has not only advanced her own philosophy but has founded the development of transcultural nursing and a number of later models that have contributed to transcultural nursing today. Madeleine Leiningers (1978) theory of transcultural nursing embodies the basis of this work: If human beings are to survive and live in a healthy, peaceful and The metaparadigm consists of four concepts: persons, environment, health, and nursing. The conceptualisation of these concepts in nursing situations has enabled nurses realise the importance of integrating anthropological concepts in nursing contexts in an attempt to derive the best nursing practices for culturally diverse patients. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. Nursing scholars and clinicians around the Western world identify and articulate a need to develop greater understanding about cultural care capacity, but they remain unsure about how to increase their knowledge of and ability to work with ethnically and socially diverse patient groups (Murphy & MacLeod, 1993; Bond, Kardong-Edgren & Jones, 2001; Grant & Letzring, 2003; Sergent, Sedlak & Martsolf, 2005; Allen, 2006). Madeleine Leininger: Transcultural Nursing Theory As Leininger explains in her theory, nursing is a culture care paradigm that she used to emphasise the importance of cultural congruence. Leininger stands firm and believes it is care and caring knowledge and actions that can explain and head to the health or wellbeing of people in different or similar cultures (Leininger et al, 2006, p. 11). List of books by author Madeleine Leininger - ThriftBooks All Rights Reserved, Nursing Theories and a Philosophy of Nursing, A Statistical Look at Patient-Centered Care, Nemours Brings Nursing Opportunities to Central Florida, How Have the Sequester Cuts Affected Nursing and Health Care. Jeffreys (2008) reveals that the theory has sometimes led to the formulation of imprecise clinical decisions, especially where nurses fail to draw clear inferences about cultural congruence. These concepts do not exist independent of each other, and it is essential to evaluate individual patient's needs considering these four elements. Leininger uncovered a core concept of care during her early education; this concept later became her motivation to specialize in transcultural nursing specifically . Disclaimer: This essay has been written by a student and not our expert nursing writers. StudyCorgi. Culturally congruent care is possible when the following occurs in the nurse-patient relationship: Together the nurse and the client creatively design a new or different care lifestyle for the health or well-being of the client. The concept of health has great importance in Leiningers Culture Care theory but has been viewed by Leininger in a different perspective than traditionally implied. . However, Leininger failed to explain the application of the theory where cultures exhibit common behaviours owing to the shared values, norms, attitudes, practices, knowledge, and/or language among other cultural characteristics. The USA has a modern history of settlement by immigrants from Europe, Britain and Ireland (Ward, 2003). Rosemarie Rizzo Parse 13. Leininger describes herself as an anthropologist and a nurse. Thus a metaparadigm can be thought of as an overarching principle or umbrella covering our outlook that defines our practice. The Transcultural Nursing Theory pursues discovering, documenting, knowing, and explaining the interdependence of care and culture phenomena with differences and similarities between and among cultures (Kasper & Zoucha, 2019, p. 3). If you use an assignment from StudyCorgi website, it should be referenced accordingly. Theory - Essay - 1942 words - Paperdue We've received widespread press coverage Caring is a crucial concept to the delivery of holistic nursing services to tuberculosis patients. Denzin and Lincoln (2008) explain how critical reflections on race, gender, class, power relations and claims to truth inspired these new forms of representation and led to a re-examination of the way in which anthropologists described their own and other peoples experiences. Furthermore, the theory assumes the importance of knowledge about curing and healing. It requires a very extensive geophysical and social knowledge. It helps nurses to be understanding and respectful of the diversity that is often very present in a nurses patient load. Leiningers point of views and theory resulted from both a nursing and an anthropological background (Leininger, 1995). N,\GXX>$&`Yj*7s E,F*`o= $sm@"mB@R I believe, Leiningers theory was developed in a particular cultural context. It seeks the understanding of nursing practitioners to treat patients without interfering with their cultural values. According to Nancy Edgecombe, thinking and writing take places in a certain social location that echoes the culture and context of the theorist and this context will inspire the style of ideas development. $lC&Fa - endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 157 0 obj <>stream Campesino, 2009, contends that privilege, even regarding skin colour, white privilege, can significantly alter relationships. Joining them were the Native American peoples, formally socially dislocated and disempowered during those eras of colonization and immigration. These modes can stimulate nurses to design nursing actions and decisions using new knowledge and culturally based ways to provide meaningful and satisfying wholistic care to individuals, groups or institutions., Leiningers model has developed into a movement in nursing care called transcultural nursing. Undoubtedly, these cultural factors change with time due to modernity and influence. With regards to this metaparadigm of nursing, Leininger finds them to be limited and inadequate as it has neglected two importance concepts, care and culture, to explain nursing despite the linguistic use of care in the daily language of nurses. Madeleine Leininger: Books All Rights Reserved, Nursing Theories and a Philosophy of Nursing, A Statistical Look at Patient-Centered Care, Nemours Brings Nursing Opportunities to Central Florida, How Have the Sequester Cuts Affected Nursing and Health Care, Transcultural Nursing : Concepts, Theories, Research and Practice, Culture Care Diversity & Universality: A Worldwide Nursing Theory (Cultural Care Diversity (Leininger)), Culture Care Diversity and Universality: A Theory of Nursing, Madeleine Leininger: Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory (Notes on Nursing Theories), Care, Discovery and Uses in Clinical and Community Nursing (Human Care & Health Series), Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, & Practices, Care: The Essence of Nursing and Health (Human Care : Essentials for Nursing, Well-Being and Survival), Reference Sources for Transcultural Health and Nursing. What is worrying about this emic knowledge is that this knowledge of the indigenous person is obtained through the researchers reinterpretation of narrative and written into the text by the author. Transcultural Nursing Theory - Madeleine Leininger - July 16, 2022. Today, Canadas population represents citizens who originate from more than 150 different countries, who speak over 100 languages and practice over several religions. The development of the transcultural treatment theories dates back to the 1950s when Leininger started a psychiatric treatment facility and a learning curriculum at Creighton University in Omaha. Lastly, cultural congruence is a formalist concept that builds on cultural dynamism. (2010). Info: 5614 words (22 pages) Nursing Essay I believe this particular philosophy is reflective of Leiningers perspective, especially in the 1960s and 1970s. Madeleine Leininger: Transcultural Nursing Theory - Nurseslabs They are: cultural preservation or maintenance, cultural care accomodation or negotiation, and cultural care repatterning or restructuring. However, it is the manner in which the information is obtained that brings forth the question of whether or not it is actually true. Through her observations while working as a nurse, she identified a lack of cultural and care knowledge as the missing component to a nurses understanding of the many variations required in patient care to support compliance, healing, and wellness. Leininger's culture care theory describes three of the four metaparadigms of nursing, namely people, nursing, and health. Disclaimer: Services provided by StudyCorgi are to be used for research purposes only. * Hyperlink the URL after pasting it to your document, Health Care Delivery for Victims of Motor Vehicle Collision, Research Critique of Cardiac Index Based on Measurements Obtained in a Bedside Chair and in Bed, Child Obesity Problem in the United States, Improving Disease Surveillance in Developing Countries, Hypertension: Treatment in Children and Adolescents. As a result, two significant concepts of care and culture were included as the essence and the central dominant of nursing. Nursing theories hold that individuals with diverse cultural origins may have varied needs for health. However, such an approach is vital in the nurses scope of care. They expect the best care practices for them to regain their health. We'll deliver a custom Nursing paper tailored to your requirements with a good discount. Metaparadigm Concepts CARING (not Nursing) essence of nursing universal concept within all cultures assisting, supporting, or enabling behaviors to improve a person's condition essential for survival, development, ability to deal with life's events greater level of wellness is achieved when caring is in line with patient's cultural As her knowledge is derived from two different disciplines it can be considered as being unique. Madeleine Leininger 12. Within hectic nursing everyday work, many situations might pose cultural challenges to the nurse. 2.2: The Nursing Metaparadigm - Medicine LibreTexts $77.00 $ 77. In 1969 Leininger established the first course in transcultural nursing in the United States and in 1977 initiated the first masters and doctoral programs specific to that field. Early in her career, Madeleine Leininger recognized the importance of the element of caring in the profession of nursing. It has become apparent in recent years that the growing cultural diversity has challenged much of these long-established assumptions about health, illness and health care provision. The social environment within which nursing takes place in Canada is multicultural (no ref). 2022. We believe that this overview of the context lived by Leininger and her influences for the construction of a theory internationally accepted can be useful to whoever desires to apply it for the. 2057 Words9 Pages. Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger. The environmental context also includes the ecological, spiritual, sociopolitical, kinship, environmental symbols, and technological dimensions and gives clues about its influences on culture, care expressions, ways of life, health, wellbeing and patterns of living for individuals, families and communities. These observations lead Leininger to develop an interest in anthropology. The development of Leiningers concept uses an inductive research technique known as ethnonursing. The nurse must preserve, maintain or change nursing care behaviors with the goal of satisfying the needs of clients (Leininger, 1998, 2002) Leininger further defined such nursing action as: culture care preservation and maintenance, culture care accommodation or negotiation and culture care restructuring or re-patterning (Leininger, 1978, 1981, 1984, 1988). The assessment addresses the following: Leininger proposes that there are three modes for guiding nurses judgments, decisions, or actions in order to provide appropriate, beneficial, and meaningful care: preservation and/or maintenance; accommodation and/or negotiation; and re-patterning and/or restructuring. Research and writing became more reflexive and researchers sought new methods. McFarland, M., & Wehbe-Alamah, H. (2015). Madeleine Leiningers theory of culture care focuses on contemporary culturally diverse care factors that have profound impacts on the health of individuals or groups (Butts & Rich, 2010). Leininger (2010) articulates that her knowledge was based on both similarities and differences of one culture to another culture and is supported in her statement, the most important feature of the theory was to conceptualize culture care by searching for diversities and universalities (p. 10). In todays healthcare field, it is required for nurses to be sensitive to their patients cultural backgrounds when creating a nursing plan. Nursing is the action taken by the nurse [ 2 ]. Sagar (2012) attests that the culture theory holds that diverse cultures perceive, understand, and exercise care in different ways. Finally, she defines health as a condition of an individual or groups wellbeing that characterises culturally defined values and practices that necessitate everyday activities in socially expressive, valuable, and premeditated ways of life. . This applies to Leiningers theory as there are unknown truths about cultures to be discovered. Nurses need to know how to effectively relate to and communicate with those patients in their care (Pallen, 2000). This situation leads to outcome imperceptions pertaining to the valuation of patients. Critical theory recognizes that, nursing science and practice involves examining ways in which categories of social difference are constructed and operate in structural systems of privilege and power (Campesino, 2009, p. 300). Though this can prove effective in contributing knowledge by comparisons of subjective experiences it could also run into the risk of being biased and possibly not accurate to apply it generally to transcultural nursing knowledge as it is just one persons, the theorists subjective experiences. With regards to the type of Leiningers knowledge I assume it to be conceptual knowledge (Schultz & Meleis, 1988). The Transcultural Nursing theory developed by Madeleine Leininger is now a nursing discipline that is an integral part of how nurses practice in the healthcare field today. Power Point Questions | Studymonk Sudbury. There is also a number of transcultural models and guides that were impacted by the Leiningers CCT. "Evaluation of Madeleine Leiningers Culture Care Theory." o The METAPARADIGM concepts of person, environment, health, and nursing serve as an . Running Head: NURSE THEORIS, MADELEINE LEININGER Institutional Affiliation Student's Affiliation Date 1 NURSE This led to what is known as the transcultural nursing approach which Leininger considers ethno-nursing and the design of a research methodology deemed ethno-science was developed to collect cultural data. This mode requires the use of both generic and professional knowledge and ways to fit such diverse ideas into nursing care actions and goals. Madeleine Leininger: Transcultural Nursing theory. Leininger's Transcultural Nursing: Concepts, Theories, Research & Practice, Fourth Edition $78.00 Only 6 left in stock - order soon. A humanist perspective emphasizes notions of equality and individual freedom, and operates on an assumption of human commonality among people (Campesino, 2008, p. 299).
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