Molnupiravir followed patients for only 30 days because they know the drug is dangerous. The medical community doesnt care about saving lives. That way you can start immediately. So you can address your OCD and if you get COVID, youll can up the dose. 12:45 AM . Today, we are letting people drown and we are not even telling them there is a life preserver they can ask for today with compelling evidence that is under consideration by the life preserver safety group. Steve Kirsch is an inventor of the optimal mouse, a Silicon Valley millionaire, and an MIT alum (Class of '80). Antidepressant fluvoxamine could keep mild COVID-19 from worsening My publicly shared concerns regarding the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines may have had a negative impact on my company, M10. After publication of the recommendation in December 2021, the NIH did absolutely nothing change their recommendation. Although the average effect size is 100% with a p-value of <.0001, The Fisher exact test on the combined data suggests that there is a 95% chance that the effect size is at least a 75% reduction in hospitalization rate. No long haul symptoms if you start the drug ASAP after first symptoms. I agreed to do it partially because I respect Bob [Siliciano] so much, and partially because I thought the concept was excellent, said former board member Doug Richman, a prominent HIV drug researcher at the University of California San Diego and former member of the funds scientific advisory board. It was approved by the FDA in 1994 and has been used in millions of patients worldwide. It was completed in August. This looks ominous, but it harmless. If you start 5 days after symptoms, all bets are off. Timing is everything with respect to outcomes. [, The most urgent need in the country right now is to reduce. Hes also publicly railed against what he claims is a campaign against drugs like fluvoxamine and ivermectin. He has been a medical philanthropist for more than 20 years. Dosage there is 30mg once a day. BOMBSHELL: Top biostats professor admits we have NO CLUE # of people KILLED by COVID vaccines, he wrote. 9th International Congress on Psychopharmacology 5th International Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology The drug was widely prescribed as a covid treatment for much of 2020, based on anecdotes and flawed studies. Ivermectin has been falsely promoted as a covid treatmentbut for those who use the drug legitimately, seeing it become a piece of anti-vaccine misinformation is disconcerting. One user reported dilated pupils and increased heart rate (which could be nerves about the dilated pupils). Server IP cope with resolved: Yes Http reaction code: 200 Response time: 0.27 sec. The infectious disease scientists lied to me. In short, a lot of mumbo jumbo. Steve Kirsch is baffled. That receptor also helps regulate the body's . He has made millions from these projects, even if they have not turned him into a household name. None of this would really matter if Kirschs views on vaccinations were private, or shared with a limited audience. Since then, he has continued to promote fluvoxamine, along with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. You will be wired for 24 hours if you dont heed my advice. The web price charge of . Its motivated out of his sense of keeping people safe and advancing health care.. Why fluvoxamine isnt used. Fluvoxamine, Proxalutamide, and Ivermectin: 100% success I'm very bullish on two drug combos since it is rare for Read More The best COVID treatments for hospitalized patients Seven treatments for hospitalized COVID patients with very high success rates. He might be a good snake oil salesman., I experienced this myself when, on one call, we discussed several studies. Why the FDA should grant an EUA for fluvoxamine immediately, a brilliant op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, "Too much caution is killing COVID patients. The premise made sense: Most experts were predicting vaccines would take years, while finding helpful drugs with known safety profiles could shortcut the approval process. So check the side-effects list to be familiar with which side-effects are associated with which drug so if you have a side-effect, youll know which drug to reduce or eliminate. In California, Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch was also thinking about the pandemic. Patients should be advised to limit/avoid the use of caffeine while on the drug since fluvoxamine extends the half life of caffeine (making you super wired). Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Kirsch urges the FDA to quickly . If it isn't fluvoxamine preventing hospitalization and long-haul COVID, then if you find what it is, you win. They were giving covid patients the antidepressant fluvoxamine as soon as possible after diagnosis, based on anecdotes about the drug limiting the runaway immune response that causes many severe symptoms. The trials that were abandoned for futility werent getting events because the patients were given standard of care meds. 533. All the supporting observational studies were positive as well. CETF funded David Boulware's trials on hydroxychloroquine and the Phase 2 and Phase 3 fluvoxamine trials, among many other research projects. I didnt intend to spend a lot of time on Steve in particular, but that video was so influential.. Dose escalation studies in lupus patients and in rheumatoid arthritis patients established that 800 mg per day for life and 1,200 mg per day for 6 weeks are extremely well-tolerated. He started a covid-19 vaccine company. After I ended the Zoom meeting, Satterfield called me to apologize for cutting us off. As trial results rolled in, that mismatch began to put a strain on Kirschs relationship with the funds advisory board. just like ivermectin). Fluvoxamine: Finding a possible early treatment for COVID-19 in a 40 . This advice is now outdated. Who knows, Morris replied. I must admit that this is an anniversary that snuck He considers himself an expert in something that he doesnt have training or experience in, and hes not following scientific methods to assess data.. Get your prescription in advance of getting COVID. . Thats why they didnt even fund the fluvoxamine trial, he told me. I mean, he really, truly has a heart of gold, Char told me. You can use fluoxetine as well (aka Prozac). I see it all the time on social media, Morris told me. Thanks to the volumes of data and information provided by pharmaceutical companies and regulators, as well as large numbers of trials from independently funded research groups around the world, I now trust that theyre safe for the vast majority of adults. Then he hosted a superspreader event. His efforts became more focused on medical research when, in 2007, he was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. The Lancet paper showed that if you were treated early enough and took the drug as prescribed (it only works if you take it), it was shown to reduce your chance of death by 12X making it far more effective than any other drug for COVID. If the drug is started right after symptoms, weve seen 100% prevention in hospitalization. While he declined a phone interview, Boulware was recently the subject of a Mother Jones article about the harassment hes received for his research on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. So why would we wait when lives are being lost? The ongoing battle between social-media companies and covid-19 misinformation pushersincluding US president Donald Trumpstepped up again this week thanks to a new viral video. Steve Kirsch is a high-tech serial entrepreneur based in Silicon Valley. Generally, at 50mg BID x 14, it is very tolerable as long as the patient is instructed to lay off the caffeine. Medicine has been transformed to doing whatever the NIH/FDA says, regardless of how many lives will be lost. When was the last time you saw a phase 3 fail where there was a 100% effect size in both an RCT and RWE study along with 4 independent observational trials all showing a positive effect, and there is clear mechanism of action where there is less than a 1% chance that it is not working (the SSRI's ordered their impact based on their Sigma activation which is 1 in 120 options), and where in every single case we are aware of the patient taking the drug reversed to normal in an average of 3 days? NIH doesnt want you to get the drug since it would compete with Molnupiravir, so fluvoxamine will never make the NIH guidelines. I bumped up the reward to $1M. . There are at least eight mechanisms of action that we think contribute to the effectiveness of this drug. In June, after CETFs advisory board resigned, Kirsch did a Facebook Live video with Zelenko and celebrity rehab coach Dr. Drew. There are reports of people who cant tolerate the drug, but they stop using it and nothing bad happened. [NIH] doesnt want any of these treatments. That is when the phase 2 results were published. There is no evidence fluvoxamine is harmful and led to a worse outcome. We don't know why the NIH panel is ignoring fluvoxamine and we aren't allowed to find out. So it was both obvious and convincing the difference between the groups to the workers and the track management. Kirsch said that his attempts to promote fluvoxamine are being curtailed. No more. A very short op-ed arguing for using fluvoxamine against COVID. Medium banned him for misinformation. He's discovered a common medication that's highly effective in minimizing the impacts of COVID-19 - two studies have proven so. This was shown to be very tolerable (no side effects in 99% of patients) and extremely effective (no hospitalizations and death if you start it ASAP after first symptoms). Hilary Grant-Valdez Operations Manager Tom Brunner When I asked him why so many experts in the field disagreed with him, he alleged there were effortseither malicious or negligentto suppress evidence of cheap, effective covid treatments. Have the drug on hand. Author Affiliations Article Information. of the 'intellectual dark web '" and allowed him to access a "large and receptive audience to his claims about a fluvoxamine conspiracy". As of November 13, fluvoxamine has been proven to work in every trial that has published results, including outpatient and inpatient studies. But I know something else that few other people know, thanks to a source at the NIH: the NIH was planning to approve fluvoxamine months ago, but they got a call from the FDA telling them not to. There were IRB rules that required the 65 patients to be listed in the diagrams and charts. A few months ago, Kirsch suddenly stopped promoting hydroxychloroquineeven scrubbing it from the CETFs official list of trials it has funded. This should be top news, but the press is ignoring this and attempt to write stories about it are killed by the editors. Fluvoxamine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), a class of anti-depressants, mostly prescribed for people suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. And not zero., Kirsch immediately forwarded the exchange to me and, I suspect, other journalists. Another is to identify an asteroid that is going to hit the planet.. We asked Steve to tone it down. So probability of successful Phase 3 can be estimated to be over 99.99% since there are tens of thousands of phase 3 studies. Kirsch and his wife, Michele, fund a charitable foundation, which by 2007 had given $75 million to different causes. CETF was founded by entrepreneur and philanthropist Steve Kirsch, as a way to expedite the fight against COVID-19. While YouTube has repeatedly taken down the full video of the DarkHorse episode, various clips have been watched over 4 million times, and the full audio remains available on Spotify. Fluvoxamine has a systematic review and meta-analysis published in a top medical journal. Fluvoxamine for COVID: what you need to know - Substack Server IP address resolved: Yes Http response code: 200 Response time: 0.27 sec. Discover special offers, top stories, In-patient use. Last Checked: 03/03/2023. We should not wait for the Phase 3 RCT. Most doctors wont use it until NIH greenlights it, no matter what the science says. The ICER independent review showed fluvoxamine is more effective than Molnupiravir: Read this article I wrote about using fluvoxamine correctly for COVID. Over the summer, the conflict reached his most recent startup, M10. Its whether Merck can make a killing that matters. Also, for people who cant tolerate fluvoxamine for whatever reason (nausea, jittery, etc), this is the alternative. Tech millionaire Steve Kirsch went from covid trial funder to Less than a week later, David Seftel read about the Lenze trial, and ignored the JAMA advice. We dont want to feed the anti-vaccine trolls, so we actively suppress clear scientific data. Three of the four outpatient trials have been reported out: all were successful. Those days are gone. Some people are jittery, but usually that is because the doctor either prescribed a dosage higher than 50mg twice a day or didnt notify the patient to. The sooner you start, the better the outcomes. A Cross-Sectional Study on the Personality Traits of Episodic and Seftel was able to duplicate the 100% protection from hospitalization and death in the treatment group, vs. a 12.5% hospitalization/death rate for the No treatment group. (article I did after the TOGETHER trial). He prefers iconoclastic approaches, whether by directly funding asteroid detection or advocating for nuclear power to combat global warming. Note that some of these articles are inaccurate. Boulwares trial was part of a wider movement to bulk up the evidence base underlying standard covid treatments, and one of several trials that found no benefit to using hydroxychloroquine. JAMA Reports Fluvoxamine as Potential Early Treatment for COVID-19 My experience is very typical. 90,000 people will die in the next 3 weeks alone if we continue to ignore this drug that has caused no harm. All the supporting observational studies were positive as well. The NIH Guidelines committee is being very slow to react (we have no idea if they are even considering the drug because nobody is allowed to know that because all their deliberations are kept secret). Kirsch told me that meta-analyses are a higher level of evidence than randomized controlled trials. When I responded that meta-analyses are only as good as the data they are based on, he said Id like to understand your source on that, because I cant find a source that says a phase 3 trial is greater evidence than a meta-analysis., When you characterize me, you need to say that Steve Kirsch doesn't go with majority votes on interpreting data.. Thats why they didnt change their recommendation when the Phase 3 trial was published in Lancet. Fluvoxamine is used commonly to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety disorder and depression. . Hes also made several videos and podcasts with Vladimir Zelenko, the conspiracy theorist doctor who convinced Trump to take hydroxychloroquine. Since FLV is a safe drug, it should have been widely discussed with patients that there is virtually no downside and a huge reduction in hospitalization if the drug is given early. Molnupiravir followed patients for only 30 days because they know the drug is dangerous. Drug researchers at Washington University in St. Louis reached out to Kirsch looking for $67,000 to finish a very smallbut placebo-controlledtrial. Steve Kirsch On COVID Early Treatment and Censorship - YouTube After boosting unproven covid drugs and campaigning against vaccines, Steve Kirsch was abandoned by his team of scientific advisersand left out of a job. . As a health care journalist, I started off firmly in the wait-and-see camp on mRNA vaccines. Compulsive fiddling with your mask? It has enrolled only 130 people in the first month and is enrolling only 70 per week now. While combining the results of several well-designed trials can strengthen an argument or unearth patterns unseen in smaller samples, a meta-analysis is just the sum of its parts; any single well-done experiment is more useful than combining the results of several poorly done ones. Has it really been 25 years, a whole quarter of a century? Added to FLCCC protocols and Fareed-Tyson protocol among others. Doctors have no excuse for not prescribing. How can the FDA say a drug which meets the gold standard of evidence has insufficient evidence? Talking to Kirsch is an exhausting experience. Its really, really common for a small effect, something that looks exciting, to be a statistical fluke when you look at a larger population. Fluvoxamine works on hospitalized patients too, but no US hospital will let you use it (sound familiar? Flavio Cadegiani and Steve Kirsch's studies didn't make the cut. Their I've asked people, "there's a lot of evidence here it's not just a small phase 2 RCT. Fluvoxamine is way better than Molnupiravir, but the NIH doesnt approve drugs on effectiveness. It was so bad you couldnt even see the babys body through all the blood, Kirsch said. Think about it Molnupiravir has a 50% risk reduction whereas fluvxoamine is over 90%. Fluvoxamine public data repository: The fluvoxamine public repository has all the documents related to fluvoxamine for COVID, including the RCT, RWE, observational studies and a link to the 1 hour lecture on serotonin and fluvoxamine. The medical community did nothing (with a few exceptions like Dr. Seftel). Keyword: mit Perhaps Kirschs most effective tactic, though, is simply his willingness to outlast everyone else. In the early days of the pandemic, as billions of dollars poured into the hunt for novel treatments and vaccines, veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur Steve Kirsch did what hes always done: He went looking for an underdog. Today, if we follow the CDC advice, nearly 100,000 people a month will die from COVID. traffic volume is 1,957 unique daily visitors and their 3,914 pageviews. Its all about NIH saying it is OK. Medicine today is driven by government opinion, not science. Fluvoxamine is the poster child of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF). Should you get vaccinated? Steve Kirsch | TrialSite News PDF Fluvoxamine - The backstory Steve Kirsch: Vaccine Killing Millions, Treatments, VAERS, 5-Month Death Signal, Mystery Clots Embed 7.76K 31 'This Has Cost Millions Of Lives': Steve Kirsch On Suppression Of Repurposed Drugs And A Spike In Deaths 5 Months After Vaccine Rollout By Jan Jekielek American Thought Leaders / The Epoch Times November 24, 2022 Show more Hes now outlived his initial prognosis by several years. According to its founder, serial tech entrepreneur Steve Kirsch, CETF was started in April 2020 in order to fund. So the drug had no chance of working (since there were no events), so the trial was stopped for futility, NOT because the drug doesnt work. This was shown to be very tolerable (no side effects in 99% of patients) and extremely effective (no hospitalizations and death if you start it ASAP after first symptoms). In the second trial, it was shown to be 100% effective in long-haul COVID symptoms: None of the treated patients had any long-haul symptoms after 2 weeks compared to 60% of untreated patients having 1 or more of the 15 long-haul symptoms after two weeks, and 29% having 4 of more of the long haul symptoms after 2 weeks. Every earlier study of fluvoxamine (such as observational studies) showed it work and the mechanism had been shown. A video presentation by Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund. Nov 12: Steve Kirsch gives talk on CETF to HarvardBusiness School hosted by Dr. Seftel Nov 13:Mass COVID outbreak at GGF is now publiclyknown Nov 16: Seftel, the track physician at GGF, startsFLV . Thats pretty typical, but your mileage may vary. After two weeks (since it was a tight knit community, everyone could see what was happening to the two groups), every track worker who got sick with COVID, demanded the drug.
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