Thus, if there is a pond and/or swamp nearby, cottonmouths could be observed in the area, depending on geographic location. The Black Mamba: The Facts About One of the Most Venomous Snakes on Earth There is always the exception. Vertical pupils afford better vision of animals moving in a horizontal plane at varying distances than round pupils do. If the snake is nonvenomous, the prey is usually small in size relative to the snake. Harmless Watersnake Venomous Water Moccasin - Dark facial band or eyestripe? Once relocated, they proceed to swallow the moribund carcass. The rough-scaled bush viper is known for its excessively keeled dorsal scales that make it appear bristly. A venomous snake also has venom glands and fangs but cannot inject venom and must instead rely on chewing to release venom. But underneath their scaly skin, they possess muscles, bones, lungs, intestines, a heart and a liver, just like other vertebrates. Venomous snakes have fangs and their venom glands are connected to these fangs. You May Like: What Was Gargamels Cats Name. Water snakes also have longer, thinner tails, and their heads are a similar width to their necks, whereas a cottonmouths head is thick, blocky and noticeably wider than the snakes neck. If the snake is nonvenomous, the prey is usually small in size relative to the snake. What are some of the ways to avoid being bitten by a snake? Fat, Triangular Head| Many snakes, even non-venomous ones will have a naturally tapered and triangular head.