NELSON: This is a radio and TV guy talking here. The year began with bushfires destroying the lives, and livelihoods, of tens of thousands of people. I handballed the task to a less cynical journalism student who accompanied me for the two weeks and soon gave me a lesson in small-town pride. Its important that it be respected and it is even more important that it be trusted. Jeff in La Mesa, thank you for calling. Tom Karlo, you want to talk about the dumbing down of our society if, in fact, thats the case? The responsibility that we have, I mean, weve reorganized our newsroom to commit seven people to, in one way or another, working on investigative stories, so its something that, you know, we take very seriously and we need to build that capability which I think was damaged by cutbacks over time. Go ahead, Iad, youre on These Days. And I think you see that in studies that it isnt. BARBARA: And a lot of people are brainwashed. LIGHT: That has to do with the strength of our communities, the strength of America, right? And she really would find that if we were to open up Qualcomm and bring all those people there that every seat would be full and the middle of the field would be full and the parking lot would be full, and thered be a queue running down the 8. The old office of The Koondrook and Barham Bridge newspaper, also known simply as The Bridge, in Murray Street, Barham. Why dont you ask your question here? With specific reference to rural development programmes, the rural community newspaper plays essential role in increasing the awareness of rural dwellers and convincing them to adopt recommended ideas, technologies, practices and strategies. In TV, we had the digital conversion where, you know, all of the signals went digital, which put far more people into digital cable that had more choices, which youre going to take advantage of. DAWSON: now thats her full time beat. KARLO: and a web department, and I really brought them all together and said were going to be one content division and were going to focus on producing thoughtful news analysis, longer format stories of important issues that are affecting our community. A slightly smaller share (13%) say this is a major problem in the suburbs. Many in Corporate India also prefer to view such developments as milestones in India's growth story. We I assume the same is happening at all of your places and then we have citizens writing back in and calling us on it and saying, hey, you got this wrong. There is impetus for us to reaffirm the importance of rural community to our interconnected society. Go ahead. Well, no, because the stock market was going great and everybody could point to numbers saying its not going to be a problem. 1.2. Thats just part of the process. Talk to us about that partnership a little and why thats important. Hows that working out? And to be anything other than in error is an improvement on our normal condition. In survey after survey, it is these little community-minded newspapers that are continuing to thrive. Nobody ever said that. NELSON: Well, in fact, go ahead. The news they deliver might be pretty much the same as before, but the model under which they operate is not. NELSON: Yeah, theres a chance to reinvent for everybody, isnt there? LIGHT: is a big story across America and the Minneapolis StarTribune won the Pulitzer on pension coverage two I guess two years ago, so its not impossible to catch. Mike Dobbie, communications manager for the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance union, said: We estimate that the Australian media is on track to lose 1000 editorial jobs this year alone.. We are looking at the records. [CDATA[// >