Both people may start to ignore all of the wonderful things they saw in their partner initially because these issues become so heavy. The house placement of each persons Saturn (and its house rulership) will tell you where your partner reaffirms your Saturnian qualities. The Sun person stimulates Plutos jealousy and possessiveness. This is often known as the unrequited love aspect. This means you handle lifes problems in a similar way. Saturn is an outer planet from our sun and has a very slow orbit time of approximately 29 years. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. They share the same love language and have the same values. Interestingly enough, the friendships I made during my school years never lasted, and I tended to befriend people who were younger or older than me (i.e. At the same time, the Sun person needs to learn how to incorporate someone else into their plans and see that not everyone enjoys the same level of socialization and humor that they do. In astrology, this aspect usually represents a positive connection between the planet of discipline and structure (Saturn) and the planet of identity and personal power (the Sun). Saturn conjunct / opposite Moon aspect in a relationship feels serious and powerful right from the beginning. This could spell big trouble for your relationship, and might even prevent a relationship from forming in the first place. 7. Say Uranus rules your 7th house, and your partners Saturn makes a square aspect to your Uranus. Even if the Saturn person and the Sun person might express their emotions differently, the validity of their emotions is always intact. However, these relationships give you an opportunity to work out karma between the both of you. What kind of relationship can you have, if you cant even talk to one anothe? . The Saturn person is going to have a very responsible yet supportive partner, while the Sun person will have someone who encourages them and makes them feel safe. At the same time, the Sun is not too proud to acknowledge the impressive qualities of Saturn and the wisdom it brings to the relationship. The Sun person may feel sensitive to Mercurys criticism, and Mercury may find the Sun person defensive. They will understand each other on a very deep level. This star is the ruler of the fixed fire sign of Leo. However, when the Sun is in harmony with the rest of the planets, it gives us the wisdom to understand ourselves. Saturn in square or opposition to another persons Uranus acts similarly to the conjunction, but with more friction. The infamous "marriage" asteroid, Juno came in as the lowest of the most This aspect wont have too many weaknesses, but theres a potential for communication challenges if things grow stagnant over time, as they might not know how to express their needs properly without practice. A shitty Composite chart, does not mean the . They are completely opposite energies in some ways, so when combined in synastry, it produces a tense energy between the couple. Let me tell you. The Saturn person will be very loyal to the Sun person and willing to go the extra mile to make the relationship work, while the Sun person gives the Saturn person a sense of joy and newness by shining their light on the relationship. There is a feeling that you can rely on one another. Their home is going to feel like a safe haven for the other individual, with this relationship being one thats full of support from both sides. This is a very negative aspect to share with someone in synastry, if the aspect is harsh (conjunction, square, opposition). The Saturn principle of duty and responsibility is clearly present in the legally binding ceremony of marriage - a ceremony which is designed to bond two people together for life. Themes of control and power struggles are present in this relationship. The emotional distancing both frustrated and intrigued me. Each aspect is worth 1 point. In long term relationships, the Saturnian partner is the one who is the most likely to crave, expect or ask for more . This is a very helpful aspect in synastry. This couple may engage in many lively debates, and can learn a lot from each other. Saturn moves relatively slowly, so there would be an age difference of about 7 years for the square aspect, and 14 years for the opposition aspect (approximately). Saturn in square or opposition to another persons Saturn indicates a battle between fantasy and reality. It is important that you are clear with one another about what you expect out of the relationship. Saturn may tend to ignore, interrupt, or criticize Mercury when Mercury is speaking. Though he never explicitly told me he didnt want me to go out and have fun with my friends, he would often try to interfere with my plans if he knew I was going out. The Saturn trine Sun synastry aspect is a celestial alignment that occurs when Saturn and the Sun are approximately 120 degrees apart. You may have met each other suddenly, and fallen for each other instantly, but maintaining this level of excitement may be the key to making this relationship work. It may be hard for others to understand the strong bond between these two and mistake it for a secret romance. The Sun person feels more comfortable expressing their feelings than the Pluto person. This is an unstable aspect, and is not conducive to long-term relationships. Such values are suitable for a long term loving relationship or for a business partnership. Unlike some of the other aspects, Saturn is less rigid and tends to be responsible for their partner instead of austere. The Sun is the only celestial body that can reason with Saturn and even win if the correct view is on its side. While this aspect indicates a strong spiritual connection, it can also lead to deception and dishonesty. On the good side, the Saturn person might help the Neptune person make their dreams into a reality, while Neptune may help Saturn become less rigid and more idealistic. The Composite is a mid-point method between the charts of two people, It is the final product of the Synastry. I didnt want them to grow, because I was too afraid they would grow apart from me. Saturns Return is the cosmic phenomenon that brings this planet back into the same place it was on our chart when we were born. This would work so well in a business relationship, as it blends power and intensity with practicality and perseverance. This relationship is bound to be spontaneous, but the ability to truly count on one another is tarnished with this aspect. However, they should understand that with this aspect, they are never alone, and it is essential to find a way to communicate that to each other. They will be motivated to take on the responsibilities and challenges of this relationship through thick and thin. Each one of them brought out many of my insecurities. Saturn rules tradition, so couples with this synastry aspect sometimes face opposition from either persons family. . This aspect is an indicator of conflict and power struggles. In response, I criticized them and judged them harshly. Instead of calmly voicing my own opinions, I insulted theirs. This is usually soft and cuddly. This is simply the energy of the relationship. If they have a healthy relationship based on trust, they will not mind exploring new sexual horizons together. Why is this position so hard, for the people who have it (and also on a global scale, for all . Saturn feels dedicated and responsible towards the Sun person, and the Sun is supportive of the Saturn person. With this aspect, it seems that no matter what the Mars person does, the Saturn person is bothered. He was also much older than me, so he seemed even more patronizing. There can be a lack of warmth and an invisible barrier between the couple. You are compelled to find out every detail about each others lives, and this desire often leads to unhealthy obsession and possessiveness. Anything that is happening in this relationship is long-term, there is nothing that is light or short for that matter, these two are set to last, but of course, no one has said that the relationship is going to be an easy one. Astrologers say that in the horoscope, both personal and global, there is not much more difficult aspect then the Sun and Saturn positioned in the square position (that is hard as it is, and brings many challenges with it). The nature of the planet is to bring limitations and restrictions to keep us on the right path. The Sun person needs to remember that there is no boss in a relationship, and both partners work together to achieve their common goals. The Sun person may also be too immature to change the dynamics or to truly take responsibility for themselves. Fighting the energy of Saturn or ignoring it will only bring us face to face with our fears and past mistakes again until we fix them. Typically, people who enter into a Sun opposition Saturn synastry relationship are looking to fill certain roles. The cycle of criticism and conflict can soon become a vicious cycle. My most recent ex had his Sun in Aquarius square my Saturn in Scorpio. The Uranus person is likely to feel trapped by the Sun person when the relationship gets too routine and stable. The Sun person feels supported and nurtured by the Moon person, while the Moon person feels more confident and powerful due to the Sun person. Pluto conjunct Sun synastry indicates a powerful and transformative relationship. What this synastry offers, when Sun and Saturn are in sextile position is a relationship that lasts. Click here to read Saturn-Uranus Aspects in Synastry. The Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect is a karmic placement. Updated on 04/08/18. The Sun person's conscious will (male energy) unites with, and is supported by, the Moon person's emotions (female energy). These relationships can sometimes feel like the Sun person is in a relationship with their parent, and this can be expressed positivelyor negatively. They will be motivated to take on the responsibilities and challenges of this relationship through thick and thin. . Avoid Sun or Moon square to Saturn. In addition, the Sun quincunx Saturn is a difficult synastry because it . They like to speak to one another, and have similar intellectual interests. The couple may be separated at key moments, and may not be able to truly rely on one another in the long-term. Even if we dont have a profession or a life in public view, the Sun speaks about us and our path in life. Undertaking this conscious effort can earn them a long-lasting relationship that could become a lifelong marriage. Even when problems arose which made either one of us feel angry, annoyed, jealous, or frustrated, we would not, and COULD not, voice our feelings to one another. This star also brings us a sense of dignity, pride, and the determination to pursue our purpose in life and fulfill our mission. It shows the relationship in practice and the daily reality of the couple. This is an indicator of a deep attraction and a powerful sexual connection. Fearing the Sun persons withdrawal of interest, the Saturn person may criticize and judge the Sun person. Sun and Saturn conjunct in the synastry chart. Click here to read How to know if They are the One. The same went for affection; affection did not flow easily between us due to deep-seated fears of rejection, which was ultimately frustrating for both parties. You are likely to react to each other in an impulsive manner. This aspect indicates lively mental exchanges and interesting conversations. This is one of the most harmonious aspects of this relationship pairing. The Sun and Moon are the most important planets in our chart, so this aspect is extremely powerful and binding. If the Saturn person is willing to be open to new ideas, then they can evolve and change from the influence of the Sun. It keeps no track of the past and shows no future signs. The Sun doesnt represent our dreams but our gifts and purposes. Just by being themselves and expressing their individuality, my fears of rejection and getting hurt surfaced. With a little patience and understanding, you can learn a lot from one another. This is one of the strongest aspects two people can have in synastry. The Venus person may feel the Sun person doesnt appreciate her efforts to please him, and the Sun person may find the Venus person superficial. The Saturn partner also looks up to the Sun person in a caring and loyal manner that pleases them. They feel mutually supported and appreciated in this relationship. Venus and Mars say something of the physical relationship and attraction between a couple. Trines are lucky charms in a synastry or a chart as they bring positive energy and light. Someone with Saturn conjunct my Saturn would reaffirm my attitudes towards groups and friends, and perhaps I would become even more anti-social as a result of my relationship with this person. This is a tricky aspect. The Saturn person in the Sun conjunct Saturn synastry relationship is going to be the one who sets boundaries and continually challenges their partner to become more responsible and mature. These two are supportive partners in a Sun-Saturn relationship. Sun-Saturn aspects in synastry are apparently very common aspects to find in the synastry charts of married couples and long-term partners. It gives us our identity and speaks about our true purpose in life. The Saturn conjunct Chiron synastry aspect suggests limitations and restrictions in the relationship. Sun Trine Jupiter-. This aspect definitely produces mutual attraction, but can cause problems in terms of understanding each others values. The danger exists if the Saturn person's gloom and negativity proves . They work well together and it feels natural to be together. The Sun person finds the Uranus person exciting and unique, yet at the same time unstable and non-committal. Over time, these same qualities in the Saturn person can start to be oppressive, restrictive, or even controlling to the Sun person. Its a good thing they can work together through the worse challenges of life and overcome them with great success. The Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect is all about growing. I wanted to dominate them, control them, and stomp on their fun. In this Sun conjunct Saturn synastry relationship, Saturn tends to dampen the Suns enthusiasm and vibrancy. The Saturn person gives structure to the Mercury persons ideas. However, over time, the Uranus person is likely to feel stifled or trapped by the Sun person, and the Sun person is likely to find the Uranus person unpredictable and unstable. The Sun person can feel held back from shining as bright as theyd like to. Sun in Houses Synastry Meanings: 1st through 12th House. You experience emotions you never even knew you had as a result of this relationship. Also, neither of us ever felt we could express our playful, romantic sides around one another; I felt he would not approve of any kind of childishness from me, so I kept my mouth shut. In astrology, the Sun is the masculine energy, while the Moon is feminine and motherly. If your Sun is in harmonious aspect to another persons Sun, it indicates mutual understanding of each others overall personality. It shows the areas in our life where we lack something, or what we see as a burden. Click here to read Sun-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Moon-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Mercury-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Venus-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Mars-Saturn Aspects in Synastry, Click here to read Jupiter-Saturn Aspects in Synastry. So my natal Saturn aspects are set off by him, specifically Saturn square Venus and Saturn trine Mars. If you two break up, it will be very difficult to remain friends. The Saturn person in the relationship. Both the Sun and Saturn person will enjoy taking responsibility for the care and upbringing of this pet together. It can feel like a constant battle, with the Saturn person always trying to control and the Sun person trying to maintain their light. In addition, theyll often find themselves acting as mentors within their relationship too, given their dominant and curious natures. The Sun person may believe he has found his soul mate in the Neptune person, and the Neptune person may play into this role in order to please the Sun person. This couple can certainly learn how to do both of these thingswithout feeling oppressed. The Saturn person's commitment may add a much needed structure and safety to the Sun person's life, while the Sun person may provide warmth and energy to the Saturn person's stern exterior. With the Sun sextile Saturn synastry aspect, the couple focuses on working towards common goals. Here are some fun relationship ideas that can inspire them to build a happy life together and find new ways to express themselves to the other: In astrology, a trine is an angle where two planets are 120 degrees apart from each other. A Saturn trine the Sun brings an overall high compatibility that is rarely seen in synastries. I tried my best to keep my Saturnian energy in check, but when it came down to it, I simply couldnt help but criticize him. Saturn is known for closing off when communication is needed, and the Sun person will feel alone against the storm. This will lead to a continually evolving relationship that is full of learning. If we need to learn life lessons the hard way, Saturn ensures we understand them. This is a very helpful aspect in synastry. Sun conjunct, sextile, or trine the other persons Venus. The Sun and Saturn impact our lives, relationships, career paths, and purpose. His parents were very traditional and strict, and would have never have approved of our union. This is a great aspect, as it indicates sexual attraction to one another, especially on the part of the Mars person. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. The Sun person is looking for someone to take care of them or control them, while the Saturn person is looking for someone theycan control. In synastry between two people, Saturn will bring up all of these themes in relation to their relationship together, such as how they communicate, what theyre responsible for, and how committed they are to one another. With such a positive aspect, the benefits of Saturn trine the Sun are no wonder. The Sun person can teach the Saturn person to let go of fear, but these lessons may be painful. My longest relationship featured a tight Saturn square Venus aspect in synastry, wherein I was the Venus person. Typically, the Sun trine Saturn synastry dynamics are overlap from a past life where the couple had some sort of karmic working relationship. The Sun person will appreciate Saturns wisdom in the relationship and will not hesitate to ask their advice in times of need. Again, Venus can rule the woman, Mars the man but these planets are simply the love planets regardless of gender. For example, if my Saturn is in my 3rd house, I am very self-conscious about communicating with others, and tend to not speak up due to this insecurity. When arguments do happen, they are both able to take a more rational approach and easily find a resolution that suits both of them. Indeed, being around the Venus person gives the Sun person an ego boost! They rely on each other and trust each other at the deepest level. This aspect can bring intense emotions, profound personal growth, and the potential for both positive and negative experiences. It is easy for the couple to feel stifled and restricted by the relationship. Even though I knew he had true feelings for me, self-doubt and fear of rejection would take over, and Id end up keeping my feelings to myself. More than our identity, the Sun focuses on our present situations. In this case, the Uranus person might feel stifled and repressed by pessimistic and cynical Saturn, while Saturn feels Uranus is unstable, unreliable and impractical. Saturn-Uranus Aspects. The conjunction is the strongest aspect; both trine and sextile can result in mutual attraction. A [], Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and practicality, while Neptune is associated with imagination, intuition, and spiritual awareness. The top 4 most "OFTEN" aspected planets in our Female File were: Neptune, Sun, Jupiter and Saturn. This aspect could be as promising as the happy ever after we find in fairy tales. Like the conjunction, this aspect indicates the tendency for the Saturn to criticize and nag the Sun person. These two partners like to spend time together and do fun activities as a form of bonding. It shows us the best synastry aspects of our life where we have the potential to shine the most. As the Saturn person, I felt both insecure and committed to each of them. If you have this aspect, you can learn more about it in this article. When positively aspected, it supports good communication in a relationship. Both of them need to accept the others opinion even if they dont always agree on all matters in life. Saturn in conjunction to another persons Neptune is an interesting combination of conflicting energies. With high-quality horoscope interpretations by the world's leading astrologers Liz Greene, Robert Hand and other authors, many free horoscopes and extensive information on astrology for beginners and professionals, is the first address for astrology on the web. The Sun-Saturn energy in synastry is much like the energy between a parent and child. The Saturn person shines a light on the Sun person, motivating and radiating energy that is . This individual is also going to encourage responsibility in this relationship, wanting both of them together to work hard on achieving goals they set out for themselves. You have many differences, but at the same time, you balance each other out. You do not make a big fuss about it and do not seek the limelight. Both Saturn and Pluto are quite controlling in their own way: Saturn is practical and wants to maintain the status quo, while Pluto wants to have complete control and desires transformation. In the trine aspect, this is a relationship that wont be too challenging for them to maintain or build. Saturn has a way of making Mercury feel as though she is not as intelligent or bright as the Saturn person. 3. A variation of planets/L.A. This is an intriguing aspect. Sun conjunct Saturn in synastry: One strong factor that attracted you to each other (perhaps unconsciously) is the feeling that you can have a deep, stable, permanent relationship and settle down together, facing life's responsibilities in a mature way, tackling challenges together such as raising children, becoming financially secure, etc. It is as if whatever the Sun person does, it is not good enough for the Saturn person. This relationship is characterized by power struggles, as the two of you wish to dominate the other. Fire and Air signs are in harmonious aspects to one another, and Water and Earth signs are in positive aspect to one another. The Sun person feels blocked and discouraged by the Saturn person. The Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect is a karmic placement. The Venus finds the Sun person attractive, and the Sun person feels loved and adored around the Venus person. Negative Aspects of Sun Quincunx Saturn Synastry. The Sun is the star that our planet orbits around, which makes it an essential part of astrology. Saturn in conjunction to another persons Pluto blends realism and practicality with transformation and intensity. The Saturn person may come to dislike all of the fun, happy qualities they first enjoyed in the Sun person. There is a constant battle between them, and each feels they are blocked by the other. . The sextile and trine are much easier to handle. Most likely, this couple has met before and is here to work out their karma. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each other, often in the same sign but never more than 8 degrees apart. Neptune may play along in order to appease the Sun person. More specifically, my Saturn was conjunct his Sun in Scorpio. This massive planet rules the fixed sign of Capricorn, and just like its natives, it brings diligent energy. Sun Square Saturn Synastry. As one of the largest astrology portals WWW.ASTRO.COM offers a lot of free features on the subject. I think one of the things that made us last so long was the desire to find out what the other person felt. Oct 20, 2009. Having such optimistic outlook on life and being a generally good person with being generous and supportive of others, some people though will feel like these aspect owners are even too generous. Planet Saturn is called the God of justice or the karmic planet in our chart. More specifically, my Saturn was conjunct his Sun in Scorpio. This aspect indicates a difference of opinions and perspectives on intellectual issues. It has been referred to as the "inner marriage" between a person's male and female energy the union of their external purpose and internal needs. We were both careful to never uncover too much about the way we felt. This relationship has many things in its favor, but without healthy communication, it can break apart. natal makes "sense" almost a cornerstone of my mental makeup. Welcome to AW, Must both must be of similar age for your pluto's to be conj-- so this means that your pluto is conj YOUR south node as well as his pluto conj your s node. Typically, the Saturn person doesnt do any of this onpurpose with the Sun conjunct Saturn synastry aspect. Saturn aspects are certainly binding, but come with many problems. No matter how healthy and productive a routine is, couples need to relax and have their excitement now and then. There is loyalty and respect between these two people who admire each other's strength and confidence. Neither partner has to work to provide for the other. The Sun and the Moon synastry is the most important indicator of the partners' psychological and emotional compatibility. Mars may become angry with this and lash out at the Saturn person. I was already into astrology when I met the Aquarius guy, so I knew this energy would manifest in our relationship somehow. Saturn loves the shiny energy brought by the Sun and makes it its purpose to support it. Saturn in conjunction to another persons Uranus is an explosive aspect to share in synastry.
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