Now for the more positive things: Demri Parrott (which I recently found out was pronounced Puh-Row) was described by everyone who knew her as a bubbly, charismatic and beautiful girl. She loved creating decopage with 30s and 40s vintage style images cut outs from wrapping paper or old greeting cards. So that would be nice. Stills. Your site was the most helpful then, and continues to help those of us wanting to learn more about Layne & Dem. But if it was Amber Feranno who said someone else made that hat, I am really confused, I talk to her often enough and she knows I designed and made ALL of Andys hats and clothing. We talked about how we KNEW that AiC was going to be the biggest band in the world, and she insisted that I tell Layne that, because he didnt believe it coming from his girlfriend. A lot about Alice in Chains, Mad Season and Layne. She was wicked to him but Layne was being a dumb kid and he just wanted to date a model, he said so himself when it was over. All of you stay safe and strong and Barbara thanks so much for sharing with all of us fans out there! Writing your own book would be such a trip..imagine visiting the old places and mentally putting yourself back there to get into that mind frame to bitterweet. You can tell when theyre lifers. I was wondering how Demri and Laynes moms were doing, esp. When Layne didnt feel like eating Johnny could get him to drink an Ensure sometimes 2 or 3. I heard a lot of nice things about how Layne how he was a very down to earth person but, we need to remember we are all human and we all make mistakes in life. I would stay with Layne and Demri sometimes, and I had laid on their floor kicking for a couple of days. Would love to hear & read your insights on them. So sorry to hear about your Dad too and believe me I understand how easy it is to go back to the only thing we know made us numb again. I go to ER find out i have endocarditis again because after u get ur valve replaced it can EASILY get infected again. In 2017, 81,000 Americans tried heroin for the first time. Hope the families will at some point be more forthcoming as well. Personally, I have no idea exactly what happened, but I got a lot of stories. See at 2:32 here: there are two girls. She was interested in philosophy and poetry, and loved to collect vintage clothes, make decoupage, write poetry and play in front of the camera. I do believe in suboxone if you just use it for a short period and then detox off. Thanks for all you are sharing. That was her. I do know for sure that he seemed shorter because his spine curved since he spent literally years in that position. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a remote part of the scene, 25 years later! You were like a mom to them,making sure they were eating and breathing. But, when you have someone over 6ft tall and weighing under 90 lbs, its time to step in. (Im sure this is an exaggeration but you get the idea.) While it warms my heart that people want to know about her, care about her, love her and most of all have not forgotten her genuinely unique gifts. Apparently she made friends with some of the elderly people and used to make them laugh. She attended high school at Arlington High School, Washington (1984 -1986). I hope this made sense I just typed it at 5 a.m. Night world! It is so scary and so serious. It is heartbreaking the way Layne died and was not found for 2 weeks. She had been clean for a little while before she went in and shot heroin with that guy she was dating. So we run back to the thing that we thought made us happy again and then after a while that does not even work anymore. Bottom line they both had to want it and they were convinced that only people who mixed alcohol and heroin (as in getting so drunk you forget what and how much you used) is the only thing that could kill you. Keep us updated on how you are doing. Why? A lot of creativity! I hear all these people who talk down on heroin addicts because they cant just quit or that they make other people suffer. This is the kind of ridiculous talk he put up with from people who claimed to like him. If I can explain it, in words, in detail then a sober person MIGHT understand. Otherwise its just another chain.. you cant go without. For instance, I would never trade my mother for anything in the world and she would give her last breath for me. RIP Demri and Layne. Grief takes time. Not sure about the legs. Marilyn Monroe. Songwriting abilities have nothing to do with personality. I think there are clues around us every day of something more and that when we die were NOT gone forever so I will continue to believe that something happens I just dont know what it is yet. Once Kurt gave Layne a ride somewhere and talked about his daughter Frances and Layne said that he was so excited about her. Get help for yourself from someone whose been there or a professional and they can help you learn how to handle your specific situation better. Once again, I am sorry you have lost so many people that you loved. I guess anyone could do the research and read all the interviews and maybe even talk to the people who knew them but no one is going to get it completely right. 2. That was the last public performance that Staley ever did. Sadly, Alice In Chains frontman Layne Staley passed away on April 5, 2002, at 34 years of age. Layne was okay until the last night of the tour. A fascinating existence to say the least. She met Layne when she was eighteen or nineteen, and its reported that it was love at first sight. Consider yourself having a friend in Iceland from now on. Layne and "Demri's" families have the right to mourn them with dignity and they have a right to remember their loved one's through very rose tinted glasses. I had a rule for my comments if more then one link was added to a comment then it would be held for moderation.. this is to stop people from posting spam comments with links to their websites.. Yes, families fight, a lot, but in death should not peace be made between everyone? Im loving this website and to found out more about Layne and Demri and how unique they were makes me really happy| . Hey there! Barb just saw this quote from Kathleen on PaperPortraiture website: I was saddened to see so much misinformation still out thereI am responding to the post of 10/29 Remembering etc. Layne was always really quiet about it. Im lucky to have 2 beautiful little girls that keep my life full. Is it possible to be Demri on the left? And then shortly after that, their whole sound changed cause they got introduced to the scene and Susan Silver. Dear Barbara, I wrote this on Darrins page, but Im writing to you again on this one, though they are probably all one and the same. I read it within days. It speaks volumes about this site that a guy sitting in his living room in Iceland in 2017, can read through it and feel as if he were a fly on the wall in all these parties and gatherings. BECAUSE YOU ARE SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED!! There are similar pics of Erin Everly & Axl Rose back in the day, to Layne & Demri. It will ruin your life. Staley and Parrott met in 1988 while she was working at a store called Saturdays. David de Sola writes in his biography of Alice in Chains: They had chosen the place called Kiana Lodge on Bainbridge Island [Kitsap County, Washington] as the wedding venue. Demri did pick out a dress, and Alice in Chains band member Mike Starr said he was going to be best man at Layne and Demris wedding.. Did Layne Staley lose his teeth? Rest in Peace my sweet friends. More information. But, either way, I just wanted to say what a beautiful site and all the loving comments about a side of Layne that most of us would have never had the chance hear about. See more ideas about demri parrott, alice in chains, demri lara parrott. He had that presence that gave you goosebumps and made you want to move closer or turn up the volume. At the time, Jerry was very understanding and more than supportive to Layne. Almost makes me ache (being a parent of two girls already). When she had a $10 habit they went over to Laynes dads around the block who was clean and sober and starting a painting business and did the same to him after Robbing the place kicking in the back door. Sorry I meant to say decision! Rare pictures show her to be tiny, dark-featured and pretty, with long black hair and dark eyes. thank you for you time keep up the good work for these beautiful magic souls you keep alive. Demri is a beautiful woman. She had been using off and on for a few months. I do not believe and I do not disbelieve. She was really frisky; she was all over everybody. I heard that methadone is harder to kick than H in some cases. I didnt even know it was even possible to be that naturally beautiful. All the pain and suffering when their lives could have been filled with so much love and happiness. Look at her smile, too. There are records showing that she prostituted in her last years, however Im not sure that her family want this discussed. Pretty soon youre just doing it to feel normal and function and you dont even get high anymore or getting high gets harder to accomplish without having to do more then usual..and rarely can you even afford to get wellbut that is also how some addicts accidentally overdose..just trying to feel it or after theyve gotten clean for after getting out of rehab, jail or detox and then they relapse and overdose because their tolerance has gone way down and they accidentally do too much.. Thats probably almost 80% of the reasons why an addict will overdose. She was also seeing this new guy that her family hadnt met. e_wink.gif I was only then getting to know Layne and I liked him a lot. ciao sorry for my english I hope to be understood, I wanted to participate more and share with many of you but as I said I do not know the English language, thank you barbara (admin) and his friend Darim you for sharing your stories . Let this be a good story to stop people from picking up for the first time. had an issue and he couldnt stop. The comments above and below have provided a welcome clarity on the Demri/Layne situation after MUCH reading for the last few days. Lol. But why? Anyway I feel for both of them. Also how she would decorate her hospital room with the same. She is not, as widely but wrongly believed, the woman on the cover of Alice in Chainss album Dirt, released on September 29, 1992, that is model and actress Mariah O'Brien. She is such a facinating person and it will be almost surreal to see her on video. If you put him in rehab, he could check himself out. In the 1980s Demri was adopted by her then step-father Dennis Murphy and she used his surname too, going by Demri Murphy but never legally changing her name. I am very sorry about your lossI hate cancer and congrats on doing good, keep strong. The couple was already separated at that point, and while Staley had plenty of rock star money to finance his habits, Parrott's lower funds forced her to ultimately sell her body in order to finance her drug use. 1st I was not talking to you! End of june..i start getting sick again. David Lee Roth's opinion on Freddie Mercury and Queen Paul Stanley doesn't agree that Rock and Roll is dead Heroin becomes their lover, their mother, their friend. The drug is the great deception and it kills people around where I live every day. Ive really been inspired by a lot of Laynes music, both AIC and Mad Season. Him and his girlfriend Demri both lived with me at the time. Its even worse when you have a lot of responsibilities to take care of because you find yourself stuck to where you have to keep using to try and keep up with those responsibilities and it works at first but it tricks you and then you loose everything if you dont loose your life. But, if you do, you could save a life. What a wonderful site and tribute to Layne and Demri. It is heartbreaking and doesnt seem fair. Layne not accepting this, but hes starting to feel the pain also. I just wanted to share my story because i dont think alot of heroin addicts think about the other consequences that iving heroin can cause such as endocarditis. I was jealous of the model dip**** and I hated her. He wanted a teddy bear that Demri had had with her in hospital. Demri Parrott - IMDb In October 1996, Staley was deeply shocked by the death of Demri Parrott, the vocalist's long-time girlfriend and fellow drug addict. My mother overdosed and died 2 years before Layne. I know he did get an infection because of his very, very stupid way of not looking after things. Beautiful Country, would love to visit. Although we miss them dearly, let this be a lesson to us all. great website. Think about it like this who could write a book about you? The village to raise a child or extended family member or friend to help re-direct those who are going off track, is not here anymore. More rehab for both. Go to you tube, type in temple of the dog off ramp cafe. Why didnt she stay home with her Mom when Layne wasnt around? She also had a very unique style, and was very popular. She was born Feb. 22, 1969, in Bremerton. I read that she would give her last few dollars to someone if she knew they needed it more than her. Thanks again!! Barbara you remember when you came into the room at the hospital and thought you were interrupting and we got Rachel to leave so you could have some private time with Demri and she thanked you saying she felt like she had vultures over her and could feel Rachel wanted her to die so she could have Layne. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver The girl looks like her. She was best known as a model (adult/glamour). Demri, who was the cutest, most beautiful thing in the world, came up to me one night and lifted up her shirt. So im postive thats why Demri got so sick again after her heart surgery cause her new valve was so sensitive. beautiful post, beautiful website and beautiful comment thread . Moreover, his body's autopsy and toxicology report revealed that Layne was laying two weeks before the police found him in his Seattle condo. I dont think that her and Layne had a healthy relationship and I dont think it should be idealised. Layne continued touring, they both continued the drugs. She was the biological daughter of Kathleen Ann ne Austin and Dennis Wayne Dougherty, but at the time of her birth, her 18-year-old mother had been married to Stephen John Parrott, aged 21, for 21 days. Layne Staley died aged 34 on April 5, 2002 due to an overdose, and his funeral was held at the same place he intended to marry Demri, Kiana Lodge on Bainbridge Island. I want people to know that you also had an amazingly strong and smart Mom who not only cherished you but also tragically lost you to a demon that she was powerless to fight against and so were you.. that she lost you far too soon.. which broke her heart and not long aftershe tragically lost your brothers too.Your life may of taken a wrong turn and you got too lost too find your way back but that was not your whole story. So . I know Barb and so many others that knew Demri and Layne and were close to them, loved them dearly and that they are both very much missed. He was usin. God bless her mother, cause mine would have let me die without hospital stays. And I agree, no one should die the way he did, junkie or not. Demri Forever are you Barbara, sure that your friend Rosheen died in 1997? Why? some photos just got released of Demri a month before she died. Having the time of their lives, without drugs, and living things up with harmony, peace, and love. Take care and Thanks so very much again for keeping this site up and running. Shes a vegan and follows raw till four which is like raw veganism but includes a cooked vegan meal at dinner time. Anyway sorry I could not be more helpful. The reason Demri always stood out to me was that was always Demri. I was just wondering why couldnt you guys call the cops? What could he dofight back? My tricuspid valve was infected and a large vegetation had grown on it. He hardly ever saw Jerry anymore, but Mike Inez was still kind of close with him. Thank you for that! Barbara Hopefully others will not make the same mistakes that so many of us have. He wanted a teddy bear that Demri Lara Parrott had and who had stayed with her at the hospital.. I didnt go to shows and I was ecpected to. 14 February 2023. Maybe her mom or her friends have some but are not interested in posting them. The sad parts of all of our lives are the MOST important cautionary tales on this website.. written for someone who needs to hear it or some kid or young adult who thinks they just wanna try heroin someday Do not do it! Im sure we all have that person that has this strange magnetic effect on us and we dont exactly know why. Every now and then Ill go through a phase where I read as much as I can about her, it never really feels like I know enough. Yeah were gay, wanna join us? LOL! Her religion is listed as Christian. Thank you for sharing about Demri. Magazine pics. YOU NEED TO STAY FAR FAR AWAY FROM!! I first read that on the forum many years ago maybe 06 or 07? there is something so special about her. And Marilyn had no family to help her, she was alone in all this. Demri had a cat, Sadie. (Just noticed this now.) The facts, and I will allow myself to speak of them as facts, as I have 100% trust in Barbaras descriptions and tellings, are staggering. I personally havent lost any friend such at young age, and the pain all of you guys who new Demri and were their family and friends are having, I think I will never imagine it. I have had major issues with drugs and alcohol (off and on) since I was in my early teens and I could have 100 people tell me that I could always visit or talk with them when Im feeling down however I always had a hard time with that because its hard to explain to someone if theyve never been there. Because it does and these beautiful people have created this place for dialogue. I feel empathy for all addicts. I just wish that they both had survived, Layne marrying her, but it seems that she didnt want to get married. I realize this stuff is old news for you guys, but for people who are just coming to this subject (who have a passion to know the truth) the information via comments on this site is vital. Last Updated: May 2, 2022: View Complete Profile. Her cause of death was an accute intoxication and the combined effects of opiate, meprobamate and butalbital. Barbara, I went to the ER and had ct and mri and found out i had endocarditis. Genealogy for Demri Lara Parrott (1969 - 1996) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. Jerry started to stay away from Layne though. I hope it helps you as well. I know she had siblings and her name changed from Murphy to Parrott at some stage (as per yearbook photo). I dont know where he went though, and even the people who he rented from thought he was still living there. I do know someone who read Mike Starr biography thing he did and said he really had tickets on himselfhe couldnt express enough how much women loved him. Thank you for sharing. Demri never moved in. Demri was passionate about many things and excelled in art and theater. Dating seems illogical. I guess its possible that he dated someone else for a short time in between but everybody knows that heroin addicts have major issues with impotency so its not like he was gonna be grinding away with someone else. Makes me scared to have children. For those that have been debating on whether to buy it or not, I say, save your money. 1). You have too many things left to do. Not really a big deal There was no question about that. Rosheen and Demri RIP Rosheen Raugi June 19th 1997, Demri Parrott and Layne Staley Love Hate Love, More pictures of Demri can be found on my Flickr account at:RememberingDemri. Not just a story about Layne and Demri. He lived through it, but they were kicked out of the apartment. Thank you Kat, I try to be friendly and just treat everyone like I would expect to be treated so its always nice to hear. . He was not her boyfriend he was older than her parents, but he was in love with her and thought the were going to get married. Please write that story, for a book. Soon I heard he had passed on. Not Demri, sorry. But, most fans are there while youre on top. Thanks for your compassion. Chris Cornells recent death triggered something in me and Ive spent days reading through this site among others. I was 15 at the time, and clearly fan-girling over her boyfriends band but she didnt give off even the slightest hint of rudeness, or jealousy, or possessiveness. They have it, although I have not seen it in the display but I do have the paperwork from the curator. Who Was With Demri Parrott When She Died? - FAQS Clear I have no doubt in my mind about that. Many people looked after her, while Layne was on tour. We all make mistakes in life, and Demri did struggle with addiction. She met musician Layne Staley of Alice in Chains at a store called Saturdays where she was working, in 1988. Shed stay a few nights. In Demris case specific, you are doing an incredible job, because you are brave enough to tell us who was the real and captivating Demri Parrott. Nothing would have made her happier than to know her name will forever be attached to Layne's memory. Hi Amber, I was shocked to see how much you have shared about Layne and Demris life. I have the second version and it was at the bookstore and we got it for like $20 or so. Demri Parrott & Layne Staley Part 1 - YouTube You were making fun of it and you crooned the line you are so superduper bravissimo to me like the big goofball that you were. For the first time in 10 yrs im doing good! In spite of all the rumors he WAS clean. Although Demri passed anyway, her mother remembers her fondly and without regret or anger. Believe me they love you!! Murphy, and Christa Dougherty (step-sister)) Nationality: American It ruins your health and your self confidence, your self esteem and your creativity. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. and this: watch?v=LL29f0AehNI ago These are the last photos of Demri taken 8 weeks before her death. They both died alone, I know Demris mother and Aunt were with her, but in truth, everyone dies alone. That would mean everything to me. The picture depicted Staley enjoying a cigarette outside the venue. Layne did mention that he was affected by Kurts death. Demri had the help of her family and Layne, not something to ignore. Layne and Demri | Grunge Graveyard Youre a wonderful woman. I know Mrs. Austin has lost more than Demri, may God Bless her, and Laynes mom has a grandchild, or grandchildren, by now. Yet, MM continued on til the day she died. Demri Lara Parrott(February 22, 1969 - October 29, 1996) was best known for Demri Parrott her relationship with Layne Staley, the singer of rock band Alice in Chains. Crazy. RIght before Demri died she had been about to move to Hawaii with her father (or stepfather, I forget which.) Anyway, once Demri died it was all over him because she knew him. Unique-Significance9 1 min. If people only knew how stuck in grief I was for YEARS and today I still miss them all but I dont break down crying anymore. Kathleen will verify the full name thing too. I respect that. Demri and Layne: ibdreamy LiveJournal So for all the AIC fans who hate Demri because of this, you are all wrong. It was YOUR take on Demri and it made me think about my take on them as well. Demri and I share the same birthday. But I will say this: Jerry saw this coming. It is around this point he cut her off financially so he was not supporting her addiction. I know none will be truly right until you and Darrin perhaps right one but for now could you guide me to what you feel is ok?? He was in the middle of drawing a very cool cartoon for him when he died. I paid a professional hat blocker a lot of money to help me with the final construction, but I bought all the fabric and designed them, I dont even know who Rachel is. I am an addict and have been for years. RIP Demri, Layne, Rosheen and Mike. At the time of her death, she was clean, but for her last hours, she was at a friends house, who took her to Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland, Washington, and recognized too late that she wasnt doing well on the pills shed ingested.
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