And we got burned again. Prepare yourself for a merciless thrashing!" ]Edd: "Ed! SHLOOHORM! ]Captain Melonhead: "No thanks are necessary, citizens." He decided to cut the sixth season short so they could focus more on creating this movie, entitled Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show. "You're awesome. [He dives into the water. "Edd: "You mean all this time"Ed: "That's more blubber than my mom's got! Ed, Edd n' Eddy's Big Picture Show 2 Chapter 1 - FanFiction.Net [from a telephone pole] "BRO! ]Kevin: "Right behind you, man. Just as Ed leaves, however, the door can be seen on the wall again. You interrupt Rolf's study! End of the line, dorks!" "Jimmy: [worried] "I'm fine, really, I am! "[The two creep up on the rock. He looks over to Ed, who is trying to get the camel to run. - Comes in many different flavors. "Ed: [awed] "Eddy's brother's autograph!" "[Kevin turns around. He looks at it; it appears to be Eddy. "[Edd swings the bottle forward. "Edd: "We seem to be on a Ferris wheel! [releasing his repressed rage] "A SAP?!?! "Kevin: [spotting Nazz] "You okay? "Ed: [jamming his head into Edd's face] "Saunas make me sweat! "Eddy: [awestruck, to Edd] "I told you he's a whiz at telling time! Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show introduced one final cartoon mystery for the series as the Eds run from the consequences of their biggest scam yet! "[Nazz shoves him away from the bike, grabs it, and runs with it. I thought you wanted to hang with your hero." Wilfred? "Lee: "He's mine!" If your brother is a whaler, then he must reside by the sea! [Eddy kicks the door open. More by MrFanimator96 Watch. [Ed crawls from the swamp.] Well, I'll have you know, if it hadn't been for my"Ed: "Crocodile attack! "Eddy: "You better believe it! Cartoon and premiered on Cartoon Network on November 8, 2009. Rolf will unearth the Ed-boys and squash them like the parasite that infests Wilfred's tuchis! ], [The Eds are walking through a field of sunflowers. By using a candied apple, Sarah and Jimmy manage to befriend the pig and they ride him out of the sunflowers and escape the Kankers. Eddy used to talk about him in the series every so often. I'm pretty sure they won't be going back to the cul-de-sac. Feel free to make requests! [He looks through the device. When this fails to get a spark, she tries again. ]Ed: "I got it! It looks peaceful and quiet. "Edd: "You mean England, Eddy. Ed, Edd n Eddy; Romance; Adventure; After constant harassment from Lee Kanker, and rejection from Nazz, Eddy has finally found someone he's fallen in love with. "Buddy? "[They break into raucous laughter as Edd, upstairs, fiddles with the files. As we watch, it lifts its head a few inches before dropping the beak back into the murky water. ]Eddy: "That's stupid. Edd, realizing that Eddy's brother is a whaler, reasons that he must live near the sea and the Eds decide to build a boat to follow the river. Honest! "Lee: "Heh. "Eddy: "We did it, Double D! "Eddy: "He's waitin for us!" Because of the hasty fix-up and the damages done as the result of the crash, however, Kevin's bike has been reduced in speed rather greatly. When Eddy finishes, his big brother grabs him. "Ed: "BBBWWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! I am from outer space! ]Edd: [astounded] "Pardon? ]Sarah: "On three, Jimmy. ]Kevin: [shoving her aside and examining the rat] "What is this, a joke? Meanwhile, Nazz and Kevin tumble out of a pipe and into the swamp, having led there from the factory. ]Ed: [running in] "Trouble! "Edd: "Perhaps the front doors will yield a response! [He races around the park, looking for his brother.] [The torture stops as Jimmy comes running up.] ]May: "But that would mean we're lost! ]Sarah: [gleefully] "Yowzers! After a good scam goes really bad, Ed, Edd and Eddy have no other choice but to hightail it from the cul-de-sac. "Eddy: [offscreen] "Bro no! Once Captain Melonhead sees the inside of the bus, though, his courage wavers.] Come, Wilfred! I'll split it with ya. "Eddy: "What are ya?" They painstakingly yank Ed back into the still-moving car, although Rolf refuses to let go. [He slams Eddy down on Edd, smashing Edd into the ground.] ]Ed: "Eddy!" I'm getting my bike!" All because of our misguided chicanery! Goodness, Ed, that's filthy. The movie then aired on September 27, 2009, in Latin America. [quieter] "Buses sure pack a wallop, huh Plank. "Sarah: "What the heck? Spotting his chair, Ed shakes the assorted items and the stuffing out of it into the bag and shoves the chair into the bag. ]Ed: "Oh, help me! The movie first aired in Scandinavia on May 31, 2009, then in Australia on June 5, 2009, Southeast Asia on June 13, 2009, Italy on July 24, 2009, Latin America on September 27, 2009, Spain on November 6, 2009, the United States on November 8, 2009, in Poland on December 30, 2009, in the United Kingdom on July 17 and July 18, 2010, in France in August 1, 2010, and finally in United Arab Emirates on August 19, 2012. His friends are snoring as well. "Eddy: [angry] "I thought you were making a boat! Back in the cow field, Wilfred is feasting on Rolf's sausages, when he sees Rolf pretending to be upset, but actually preparing to spank Wilfred as soon as he returns. ]Kevin: [groping for them] "You're going down, dude. Rolf nearly manages to drag Ed out of the car, catching up to them on his pig, Wilfred, but the Eds manage to shake him off. She then winds up and throws it into the swamp. [He tosses it away. Eat now! It drops six floors, and Jonny exits. Big Picture Show is probably the most glaring omission, as the film serves as Ed, Edd n Eddy's true series finale, sending the Eds on an epic journey and completing their character arcs in order to end the show on a high note. "May: "Baby's mine! Sarah and Jimmy decide to follow as well, taking a picnic lunch, just for the sake of watching the Eds get clobbered. ]Edd: "So much undone! I should have never let you leave the cul-de-sac! [He walks off. ]Eddy: "Hey! Wilfred!" Eddy laughs. ]Eddy: "Breakfast? All thirteen characters from the show are included. "Lee: [offscreen] "Why's this place look familiar? "[Kevin ducks behind him. "Eddy: "You're dead! "Eddy: "Don't milk it, Sockhead. However, after getting into a tussle with the pig, he finds the label left by Edd. [getting on Wilfred] "There is no escaping the son of a shepherd!" He finds them both, Eddy with a cleaver through his forehead and Ed with a fork through his head, scaring the daylights out of him, until they both reveal their injuries to be gags. For I, the great pirate, Heel-Haw Cruikshank, will swash your buckle, and yardarm your sealeg!" Kevin's stomach rumbles, and he moves closer to Nazz. ]Kevin: "Back off, melon dweeb!" Jonny! Lay low, and follow Rolf's posterior. Elsewhere, Nazz throws Kevin's bicycle into a tree once she loses patience with him prioritizing it over her well-being while Jimmy and Sarah escape from the Kankers and are joined by Wilfred, who has abandoned Rolf after growing tired of his abrasive attitude. "Nazz: "Sounds like something Double D would say. Ed Edd n Eddy Season 1 Episode 7 Look into My Eds / Tag Yer Ed. He goes on to admit that everything he's done has been wrong: scams, lying about his brother, and the preceding events, then asks in despair if he will ever learn. Eddy's previously unseen student ID card can be seen later in the film. He posted that the movie footage was in 16:9 widescreen (a first for Ed, Edd n Eddy), Kevin on his bike and Rolf wearing warpaint and riding Wilfred chasing The Eds in Eddy's brother's car in the junkyard, Ed powering the car by carrying it and Eddy "steering" the car (with only his three hairs visible). Eddy's outburst stops Edd in his tracks. It's like a fairy tale come true! Ed dives into the grass and leaps out of it. [She grabs Jimmy's arm.] Edd and Eddy have both taken advantage of his disability thinking that he won't understand. ]Captain Melonhead: "It's Melon time! Though he makes a few jokes about the kids, even calling Edd Eddy's girlfriend, he agrees to let the Eds stay. ]Sarah: "Ew that's so gross! Suddenly, Kevin throws her off. ]Jimmy: "I'm getting stretch marks!" ]May: "Where'd they go? "Pain! ]Ed: "Gotcha, Eddy!" [weeping] "Why oh why didn't you listen to me? This page was last edited on 9 February 2023, at 02:12. "Edd: [reading] "In case of movie, break glass? "Kevin: "No way. Sarah looks at the ladybug.] "Eddy's Brother: "Say what? Spotting the steaming engine, Rolf cracks the egg on it; the egg begins to fry. ]Eddy: "Hey, muscles! Um, fellows! THIS CAN'T BE!" The movie was watched by 2.268 million viewers in its original broadcast in the United States. And only one person can save himhis legendary, never seen before, older brother! ]Ed: [holding up a half-eaten corn dog] "Breakfast, guys. The movie aired in CN Australia's Popcorn Fridays Movie Block. In addition to the lane, a house has suffered remarkable damage, and there is even an overturned ice cream truck in its backyard. "Nazz: "Hmm? Suddenly, a crunch comes, and Edd's eyes turn inwards. Are you saying all this time you've been leading us to nowhere? [to Edd] "Ah, the what? "[Nazz slaps Kevin. Kevin jumps on his bike and goes racing off in pursuit, but "Eddy" is actually Marie, who is luring Kevin into a trap. Ed Edd n Eddy's BIG PICTURE SHOW. A voice speaks from it, and the Eds start in fear. However, when Ed landed in the middle of the swimming hole, all the water, including Rolf, shot up into the Air. [17] When noting how Big Picture Show and the series' three holiday specials were excluded from HBO Max in June 2021, Comic Book Resources contributor Noah Dominguez called the movie's absence "probably the most glaring omission" among the Ed, Edd n Eddy episodes featured for how it was the "true series finale, sending the Eds on an epic journey and completing their character arcs in order to end the show on a high note".[18]. Ed Edd n Eddy Season 1 Episode 10 A Glass of Warm Ed / Flea-Bitten Ed. ]Sarah: "Let's go see, Jimmy! Nazz clasps her hands in anticipation of a gift. "Hey hey hey! ]Eddy: "I'm really starting to hate slapstick." Good one, Marie. "Eddy: "If only you had a brain, Ed. "[Eddy waves the flies away. "Jimmy: "Whatever it was, it must be worser than ever! However, they manage to break free of the Kankers thanks to a clever ploy on Sarah's part, slamming a paint can on Lee's hand, while Marie, lunging forward, accidentally impales herself and Lee through a tree, leading to May attempting to recapture Sarah and Jimmy herself. Suddenly, he spots a glint of metal up ahead, and he leaps off. Uncle!" Sac!!! "Eddy: "Hey Sockhead, can you see my bro's place from up there? "I'll go examine the factory's filing cabinets and see what I can find." We're done for!" ]Marie: "It's made of wood, ain't it? This is one of these 90's shows I remember watching along with SpongeBob SquarePants and Courage the Cowardly Dog. The Ed-boys now have desecrated the sack of sustenance! The movie first aired in Scandinavia, on Cartoon Network Nordic, on May 31, 2009, two months after the original planned air date, of March 29. Hoop-ba-da, hee hee hee! HEY! "Plank:Jonny: "Say what? [He selects his usual tie. High in the tree, Jonny reaches up and finds a bird's nest. That I'm here to impress your brother?" You built the stupid thing!! ], [Sarah and Jimmy skip past Eddy's house, carrying a basket. Rolf is following a trail of footprints; one foot was in a shoe, while the other was bare.
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