Lets pray. In whatever way communion is administered, the communal nature of the event must not be surrendered to the "have it your way" idea of popular culture (Romans 12:1-2). For example, while holding the cup, a symbol of Jesus blood, say: Remembering what Jesus did while taking communion can feel like a somber moment, and thats okay. The Son of God, who came in the body of a man, gave Himself up so we could live! For each of my kids, I've waited till they're old enough to know what's going on and have chosen to publicly profess faith in Jesus. God, what an incredible picture this is of Your love for us. taking communion at home with family. All Rights Reserved. I even gave my baby a little portion at this time of the coronavirus two days ago. Love in Jesus, This article is indeed a blessing and I agree that the body and blood of Jesus Christ can break any satanic hold on our lives. May God continue to bless you for all you do in the name of the Lord, Thank You JESUS Christ Am highly bless with the insight.Glory. Bless you Jamie for this powerful message. God bless us all. After a few minutes, simply say, Amen, or, if preferred, the leader may close the time of confession with this traditional prayer: We do not come to Your table, O merciful Lord, with self-confidence and pride, trusting in our own righteousness, but we trust in Your great and many mercies. We will break it down for you below. I should take it often now. Amen. But, I protested, no matter how much I want to be with You eternally, I NEVER wanted harm to come to Jesus! God assured me that all that nasty business in the Garden of Eden by Adam and Eve meant that we were all sinners forevermore. If youre a believer, you can take communion at home or just about anywhere. You can take communion all by yourself, Jeanette! I take communion everyday. But You, O Lord, are unchanging in Your mercy and Your nature is love; grant us, therefore, God of mercy, God of grace, so to eat at this Your table that we may receive in spirit and in truth the body of Your dear Son, Jesus Christ, and the merits of His shed blood, so that we may live and grow in His likeness and, being washed and cleansed through His most precious blood, we may evermore live in Him and He in us. If you really want to use unleavened bread, a matzo cracker is a great option. Are You Pursuing Your Destiny and Calling in God? That discussion made me reflect on if I could take communion by myself and I searched online and found this article. Im thrilled that Papa God blessed you. I love Jamie, I pray for more anointing and his glory on you. Or, you can purchase pre-packaged communion elements like the ones pictured above. again. I will try from tomorrow ,Thank u Jamie glory to God thanks Jesus. Used by permission. Thank you, as I have found all your information very helpful. Communion is a symbolic way to show we belong to Jesus and to remember what He did for us. I am a living testimony of the power of Gods word and healing. Communion is for anyone who has asked Jesus into their hearts! God bless you and your family. ent names lotr; the birds work for . That He was poured out to wash away our sins. A symbolic way to remember what Jesus did for us. Amen. In 1 Corinthians 11 Paul the Apostle gives instructions on preparing for and taking Communion. Its great to pray individually, but there is something special about praying aloud with the group. The bread represents Jesus's body. Thanks for reading. We hope youll take the opportunity to participate in communion as God leads you during our worship time together. We dont have communion because of obligation. Thank You that because of the grace of Jesus we have real life, and we can live forever in You. You can get it online for about 1.50. I was talking with a Catholic and he told me one of the powerful things they do that has kept them strong is take communion everyday. In the simplest terms: we take communion to remember what Jesus did for us when He died on the cross. And would any cracker be ok. May the Lord our God bless and equip you with all that you need to carry on His work Jamie. This is important. Ill discuss avoiding witchcraft later. You may decide that some are too young or aren't ready yet. I do attend a church, however, consider myself non-denominational as I dont feel doctrines are God given and prefer to pray and repent through the Lord and his Commandments. You're not alone. Thank you for the prayer. Like baptism, communion is a spiritual symbol and reminder of what Jesus has done. Lets take a closer look at the historical setting of the New Testament. I really want you with Me, He said. The apostle Paul was very clear about this. Andthey devoted themselves to the apostlesteaching and thefellowship, tothe breaking of bread and the prayers. Jesus and His followers used wine and unleavened bread, but it is simplest to use grape juice and whatever bread or crackers you have available. Im thinking that maybe one ice cube worth of wine will equal an ounce. I love the way you presented how to take holy communion at home. At 80 years young, you are still VERY useful to the Lord; please ask Him what your ministry is for this season of life if you havent already, for He has LOTS of things for you to do! 1.When fasting,, The drinking from the cup has to do with the shedding of Christ's blood whereby we are forgiven. Thanks a lot for Sharing. Thank you for your article. God reprimanded me recently. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself. that always made me mad, now I know why. Go ahead and drink the cup. Ask your family or group to reflect on and share anything they felt like God might have been helping them to see or remember while they were taking communion. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Thank you for your help, encouragement and prayers. Thats why I encourage people who are right with God to go ahead and take communion at home, just between you and God. It will look different for each family, and that's ok! A Family Christmas Communion Guide - Calibrate360 Thats what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11:27-34 when he said: Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. taking communion at home with family. As I leave this place, help me to hold this. While you are probably (hopefully) taking communion regularly at church, it can be beneficial to partake at home, as well, for a number of reasons. If you cant find grape juice, another juice will do. Is it okay to take communion at home outside the church? Thank You that His body was raised back to life. I take only once a month. Jamie, thank you so much for confirming our use of communion. The sacrament of communion is a meal shared by followers of Jesus regardless of denomination or any particular church affiliation. Communion is a symbolic way to show we belong to Jesus and to remember what He did for us. Communion is a foundational practice for all believers. Thank you Pastor Jamie I had already taken communion this morning and I run across your email what a blessings thank you for sharing you are such a blessings and I Thank God all you do . Cat missing since 2016 reunited with Virginia family | Raleigh News Its a time to examine our relationship with the Lord and with others. And since we all limit our shopping these days I was wondering if water or some other beverage is acceptable. Hold the bread, a symbol of Jesus body. For a family to take to itself these functions is a confusion of two spheres, the family and the church. You allowed Your only Son to literally be poured out so that we could be in a fully restored relationship with You. Absolutely, Brenda! Introducing your children to this spiritual practice can feel intimidating, but it will benefit them for years to come. It's true; you don't. You can take the Lord's Supper either way-at home with the Lord, or at your church. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Prepare the atmosphere. And day by day,attending the templetogether andbreaking bread in their homes, they received their foodwith glad and generous hearts. God bless you!God bless your ministry! Think about what you are going to say or read during this time (look to the next section for some ideas). The Son of God, who came in the body of a man, gave Himself up so we could live! So that's one way to do it. I agree you you wholeheartedly that we should be doing this more often. I look at Him and thank Him for dying for me. We are set free because Jesus is alive and giving us life to the full. Going to attempt from now till Christmas each day. In this way, when we take communion at home, we acknowledge our sinswhat we have done and what we still need to work onso that our gratitude may increase for what Jesus has done for us. Thank you for your honest response. Kenneth Copeland Ministries takes the Word of God as final authority in every area of life, so when we have a question, we go to God's Word. Dear Pastor Jamie This is My body. Then, with the cup of wine, He explained further. But now I hope God will forgive me and allow me to be a prayer warrior again, but I can only do it with Jesus helping me and the Holy Spirit teaching me. ternary operator with multiple conditions in angular. The most famous story of communion in the Bible is the story of The Last Supper. I havent taken it for a long time, because the ministry I was in, hardly did this. I started doing it and I felt Gods power moving in my life. With Passover as the setting, Jesus took the bread, broke it, yet didnt follow the typical Passover tradition. He wrapped His wings of Love around me, and told me I was forgiven forever and to sin no more. A Heart That Receives: Do You Need To Just RECEIVE From God? For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lords body. Jesus and His followers used wine and unleavened bread, but it is simplest to use grape juice and whatever bread or crackers you have available. I told Father God that I was sorry for my sins. However, Jesus said as often as you do this when He administered the first Lords Supper. Thank you for pointing out we should ask God if theres any repenting to be done and the written prayer praying for the blood of Jesus to protect affect not only ourselves but our families. Aside from spiritual reasons, a practical reason to take communion at home is to teach your kids more about it. He told them the wine they drank represented His Blood to be shed for us all. The most powerful communion Ive ever experienced was with grapes and pretzels. 11 from vers 23. I like to buy the unseasoned Triscuits, because they are striped and pierced, as many kinds of communion bread are. Thank you for re-posting this article. This principle, that every believer is a minister of God, is called the priesthood of all believers by theologians. I ask the Lord to reveal to me if I have any unrepented-of sin; any unconfessed sin. But you area chosen race,a royalpriesthood,a holy nation,a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called youout of darkness intohis marvelous light. What was your experience? Is It Enough Just To Take Communion At Church? - Living Our Priorities I thanked Him for the miraculous Gift of His precious Son. They were blessings from God who has given me a blessed and beautiful life on earth, and I give thanks to my heavenly Father. Answer: Often! Here are the steps to take communion at home. Learn how your comment data is processed. Thank you for this guidance, it is super helpful, and I will be starting daily communion at home, after I pick up my Triscuits and grape juice from the store tomorrow! Thank you for this word. The eating of the bread and drinking of the wine that led to what we call communion is still a regular part of celebrating Passover that Jewish people and some Christians celebrate each year. I have begun home communion but didnt want to do anything offensive in such an important aspect of my time with Jesus. BUT, taking communion broke that enemy assignment instantly. I read most of the comments from many others, and I like the one that we might want to take the challenge from now until Christmas Day. So after I got out on my own, I was sort of an orphan when it came to belonging to a church, and I was on my own in that department. Thank you again! Learn how your comment data is processed. I pray that my life may be one that glorifies You in thought, word and deed and that with each passing day, I draw ever closer into close communion with You. Trending post: Prophetic Word for March 2023. We would like to invite you to take communion in your homeby yourself or with your family! I have purchased (and definitely recommend) the pre-filled communion elements from Celebration Cup (affiliate link; click the photo above for more info). Jesus had this idea when He was having a special dinner with His disciples. I am sharing this It was the last meal Jesus would have with His disciples. With so many of us currently worshipping from home watching our services online or holding our own service at home, the question pops up Can we partake in communion at home? I dated it July 24, 2022, and I shall take the 40-day challenge starting today. Thank you so much for this. How to Lead Communion in Your Home | Christ Fellowship Church Maria, you might want to check out Andrew Womack Ministries online. I had a dream where I told someone I took communion every day. Also, I reccomend a book called Gods Creatice Power for healing by Charles Capps. But it holds power not only as a symbol, it also reminds us to invite the Holy Spirit to examine our lives and to continue to do His work of washing us by the grace of Jesus. "And He (Jesus) took the bread, gave . God, thank You for sending Jesus who not only lived for us, but died for us. Sheffield Utd X Tottenham - Ao Vivo Grtis HD Sem Travar | Futebol Let's not allow COVID-19 to stop us from celebrating Jesus. Required fields are marked *. I will pray for you. "In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.". 9. My twins are going to be 9 and Im trying to keep them in the path of the Lord. cheapened it all . Jesus had to do this for everyone, and God said that Jesus agonized over His decision. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 22, 2019. Jesus modeled the way we should take communion. 2. I will pray for your divine healing on this side of Heaven. Communion Prayer - Powerful Remembrance and Reflection - Crosswalk.com Did you grow up in a church that offered communion as part of the service every week? Just you and the Lord. Jesus asked us to carry out this simple tradition to remember that He gave His life for our lives. I started taking Holy communion about three weeks ago. (And I do carry them with me.). In this time, those who gathered for worship would share a meal and a time of worship, prayer, and fellowship together. And he took a cup, and when hehad given thanks he gave it to them, saying,Drink of it, all of you,forthis is myblood of thecovenant, which is poured out formanyfor the forgiveness of sins. What is the best and effective Tie or moment to take the holy communion? Thanks for this post. It was Jesus last dinner with His disciples before He was killed. Greetings in Jesus name. Do My Kids Need To Be Saved Before Taking Communion? This is the sacrifice that saves the universe. Raising Jesus Kids. Thank You, Jesus, for giving your blood. It can also be helpful to talk to a trusted spiritual advisor, such as a pastor or mentor. Taking communion at home is a beautiful time of connection and spiritual renewal as a family. Ideas for Taking Communion at Home. It helps a lot especially when my mind goes blank. As an Amazon Associate, as well as an affiliate of other programs, this means if you purchase something using these links, I will receive a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you! Thanks for the reminder. Privacy Policy | Bamboo on Trellis Framework by Mediavine, Woman of Noble Character Affiliate Program, Communion at Home: Scripture, Why and Taking Communion at Home (Including Prayer), Jesus are welcome to observe and have the meaning, convenient bread and wine pre-prepared cups. 6. Joe. What is communion and why do we do it? - NewSpring Church Taking communion at home or anywhere else can kill you if your heart isnt right. In the case of the Lord's Supper, or Communion, let's go to God's Word and find out what He said on the subject. We hope you take communion at home soon. Thank Him and praise Himand apply His blood to your life in practical situations in prayer! This would certainly include following the Scriptures command to regularly observe communion in our gatherings. Praise God there was no growth. Prayer For Taking Communion At Home Hi Valerie, I dont really know the answer to that. If youre attending Life.Church, youve probably noticed that communion is always available along the side or rear walls. Be blessed more Jamie. We read 1 Corinthians 11:23-24, talk about what the bread means (Jesus body, broken for us), pray over it, and eat the bread. Jesus asked us to eat this to remember that He gave His body for us. I study my Bible and pray daily and have decided to add communion to this process to praise and glorify my Lord who has given me all things! 122 views, 1 likes, 1 loves, 0 comments, 5 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Christ Lutheran Church: Violet Hahn Funeral You may want to read a Scripture passage - here are some ideas: Communion should also involve personal reflection. Then, they can truly experience the holiness of this time in a corporate worship setting. Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, Drink from it, all of you. So we will take our instructions from Him. At age 73, I might not be able to get out every Sunday, but as long as God gives me strength and my independence, I have made up my mind to wear that prayer room out. I will always love you. If you cant find grape juice, another juice will do. This is a new new experience for me taking home the communion. In the church I grew up in, there was communion every Sunday. It is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many. Matthew 26:27-28 NLT. Thats a great foundation to lay. The communion service occurred during a meal known as the Passover. It was Jesus last dinner with His disciples before He was crucified. 8. If you have younger kids, stick with the basics. Thank you Jamie for this teaching. If it works for you, you may want to sing a song together. Take your concerns to the Father and see what He says. Thats why the first step to taking communion at homeor taking communion anywhereis to examine ourselves. Okay, go ahead and eat the bread. Next time I am going to use the structure given here. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Speak briefly about your fears and hopes to God. Online Marketing For Your Business Its helped me especially when theyre away from me and at their dads house. You need to understand God does not put sickness on you, that comes from the enemy. All rights reserved., Posted on Published: January 3, 2022- Last updated: January 27, 2023, Who was Simeon in the Bible? We have a plate and cup that we use only for communion, but that isnt necessary. But first, what is communion all about? God bless you. But dont forget, this is an incredible reason to celebrate. Communion at home does not have to be formulaic. Thanks Jamie. I used to take communion daily several years ago and stopped as I had practically walked away from the church, its like something was sitting on me and I couldnt pray, read my bible or attend church it was like a spiritual death, earlier this year I started fighting that demon as I missed my fellowship with God, I really started seeking God and delving into his word, about 3 months ago I was lead by the Holy Spirit to start taking my communion back on a daily basis but what I do because I am a nurse and work a lot of night shifts, I started taking it at midnight, when I am on shift I walk with it in my bag and pray at midnight then take my communion, if I am at home and fall asleep I take it whenever I wake up in the night. Absolutely! Therefore, my brethren, when you come together to eat, wait for one another. That He was poured out to wash away our sins. All rights reserved. Thank you again. I especially have been taking it over my sons for their deliverance from drugs. Actually, when Jesus first modeled the spiritual tradition of communion, He did it in someones home. Distribute the bread and wine/juice. Thinking bout doing communion, thank you and God bless you for helping me to grow in my spiritual walk with the Lord. Encourage your group to not just experience the symbol of communion but to live in its truth. There should be some type of bread element and some type of juice element. Thank you so much for sharing this!!! You probably already have these things in your house! Here were some of the questions I received about the Lords Supper/communion: Some folks may not realize that you dont have to wait for a priest or a pastor to administer communion to you. We have communion as a proclamation of Jesus promise of salvation! This page/post may contain affiliate links. we had a pastor at our church who said not to correct newbies who gave communion to their children, some a yr old. Am blessed by your teaching. Learn how your comment data is processed. Your email address will not be published. Thank you! Keep us safe and protect us. The focus of Communion is to remember the Lord and thank Him for His sacrifice. When we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world. Your email address will not be published. Thank you Jamie! But dont forget, this is an incredible reason to celebrate. The breaking and eating of bread has to do with Christ's body being broken on the cross. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. God, thank You for sending Jesus who not only lived for us, but died for us. Its not about the elements, its about the meaning behind them. We believe that Jesus did this just before the third Passover cup. I have been taking it twice a day and I can attest it to the glory of God that I can see changes in my health as well as my thinking about certain things. All the honour, glory praise to God. It was i relly need it at this time..Thank you so much Jamie. Know how youll pass out the elements. In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying,This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Thats a great idea. While many become angry when they lose a loved one, I thank my Lord Jesus Christ every night for my earthly parents, my brother, and my beloved husband. I have been taking HOLY COMMUNION every day and believe me. You Can Take Communion at Home or Just About Anywhere Since the picture : The War Room, and after my husband passed away and I retired, I have turned a spare room into a War Room to read my Bible, talk to God, learn from the Holy Spirit and Jesus, and to pray like a warrior. Thank you Lord. I was researching about taking the communion on a daily basis and say your prayer and have been using that as well after I finish taking my communion. (You can even use water.) Well, first, you have to get your heart right. I have secondary colon liver cancer metastasis palliative. Praying for your ministry and that it reaches others like it has me! In this blog post, Im going to attempt to answer questions I received about communion. I was recently told by God, that I need to stop playing games with Him and just do what Hes been saying. ForI received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, thatthe Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread,and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said,This is my body, which is foryou. To the dismay of her family, Sadie the cat . I dreamt I was giving a lot people wine could that be my mantle of ministration? After taking communion, Jesus and His followers walked to the Mount of Olives where Jesus prayed His famous prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane only hours before He was arrested and eventually died so that we could truly live. Few years ago I read Perry Stones Book on Communion and taking it daily. They were coming together to the Lords Supper when they were hungry, so they were eating the bread and cup like a buffet. You may decide that all of your children will take communion with you on Sundays. Then God said, We had to do it for YOU. A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup. Also, I didnt know I could buy certain crackers to use. Lord Jesus, I loose Your holy flow, Your healing, resurrection life, joy, peace, righteousness, power, and Your perfect shalomnothing missing, nothing brokeninto my life and into the lives of all my family.
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